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Chapter 5 

Kokichi's pov 

Knock knock 

"Come inn" I say in my usual voice.

The door slowly opens to reveal a nurse, its like they're  visiting me every day

"What?" I say in a harsh tone.

"Your friend told me you had some sort of panic attack, is that so?" He asks.

Fucking shuichi...

"Uhm, yea..." I say looking at the ground, hiding how pissed off I was.

"Well I have a medication I would like you to take, it helps calm you down I guess.." the nurse explained. "Take one in the morning and one before bed" 

I slowly nodded try to comprehend what he had just said, medication huh?

He handed me packet then left the room, closing the door behind him.

Time skip to dinner time 

Shuichis pov 

I came down the stairs and sat down, mainly everyone was there, only kiyo, kokichi and tsumugi weren't. 

A couple minutes after  I had sitin down kirumi placed a bowl of ramen in front of me, I guess she was still was the ultimate maid...

Soon enough kokichi came down, he sat next to me because it was one of the only ones empty. 

Kirumi placed a bowl in front of him and he pulled out a packet of, pills? 

Time skip to after dinner 

Kokich seemed sleepy...

"Hey kokichi are you tired?" I asked him, he was beginning to fall asleep.

He nodded and put his head on the table like he was trying to sleep.

"D-do you want me to take you to your room?" 

He didn't respond, i looked over to him and he had already fallen asleep, he is so freaking adorable istg- 

I gently lifted kokichi, and to my surprise he was very light. I took him to his room, a bit shocked that the door was unlocked...

I placed him on the bed, watching him sleep, who knows what we could do to him...

Wh-what, why do i keep thinking things like this?... 


I walked out of his room, quietly closing the door behind me.

What is with all these weird thoughts i keep having? Is the what I was like before the game? Was i some sort of, creepy guy...? 

Grossed out by the thoughts i decided to go back to bed

Time skip to morning

Kokichis pov 

I wake up to the sound of birds and light shinning in my eyes, i guess i forgot to close the curtin.. wait, no... i fell asleep in the dining haul where we eat food...

Who put me in my room...?

Never mind that, i need to take my pills...

I get a cup of water from the bathroom, place a pill in my mouth and sallow it down with water.

Atleast I didn't have another panic attack last night,,, that would've been embarrassing, saihara would probably have to help me a-again, I don't deserve all his help... 

he is way to good for me



Time skip a g a i n -

It was breakfast again, i was hungry, but food disgusted me.

I really wanted to eat but food was gross


More like I don't deserve to eat








Why am i... so... sleepy..?

And just like that i fell asleep 

"K-kokichi?" Said a familiar voice. "Kokichi!"

I slightly open my eyes to see a blurry figure above me, is that.... is that shuichi? 

"Kokichi! Your finally awake! I was s-so worried..." shuichi says as he lifts away from me.

"H-huh? What h-happened?" I say while stuttering.

What the fuck

Why am I stuttering?

No no no no I don't want to turn into my past self.

"Well you all of a sudden pasted out while we where eating breakfast..." he says while looking to the side. 

"O-oh, it must have been because of the... pills...." I mumble.

"Oh yea, y-you have to take pills don't you?"

i nod as i slowly get up from off the ground, as i look around i see that no one else is around, i guess no one cared about me in the end...

A/N omi god pls I'm really sorry I haven't updated in ages- i just moved schools so things have been a bit stressful, luv y'all <3 

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