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Chapter 6 

Tw mention of self harm, anorexia, abuse and self hatred 

Shuichi's pov

(Its nighttime now and he's supposed to be sleeping)

Pills, that's why kokichi's been sleepy, i guess its for his own good... 

i wonder how it felt, to be slowly squashed to death...

Just thinking of it makes me feel sick, no wonder kokichi is so traumatised...

I slowly fall asleep and drift into a weird dream...

"P-please stop!" Said an unknown voice from around the corner.

" And why should i you little rat?" Said another voice.

I peered around the corner to see a purple haired boy on the ground being beaten up by someone else with a goatee. 


"Well? Spit it out?" 

The purple haired boy stayed quiet, the other one was just staring at him. 

"Stupid rodent!" The boy said while kicking the other one in the stomach.

"AA-aH! P-PLease!" He shouted in agony.

I just stared and watched, I didn't think either of them would see me until me and the purple haired boy met eyes. 

I smiled slightly not really knowing what to do, and he just looked at me with fear, like he wanted me to help him.

"S-s-Stop!" The boy cried out. 

I turn away from the scene knowing I shouldn't get involved.



I wake up breathing heavily, who was that boy? It sorta looked like, no... it couldn't really be kokichi could it?...

Was that, old memories...? 

Why didn't i help him? 

—-time skip to the morning—- 

I wake up once again, this time i wasn't  sweating like crazy, thankfully...

I should probably ask kokichi about that, d-dream... 

All of a sudden i have a sudden urge to see kokichi, like something in me NEEDS to see him.

"Where is kokichi?" I mutter to myself.

I leave my room and head to kokichi's dorm, i knock on his door but there's no answer.

Oh right, kokichi might still be asleep cause of those pills...

Maybe he left his door unlocked?

I turn the handle and by my luck, its unlocked! 

A creepy grin appears on me and i open the door to be greeted by kokichi peacefully sleeping on his bed.


H-huh? Wait what was that, why did i come to kokichis room? 

To check on him right...? Yea that must be it, I wouldn't... agh never mind,,, 

"H-hey kokichi, I'm really worried about you..." i say out loud.

Wait, that was stupid of me, kokichi is asleep.

I slowly walk over to sleeping oma and shake him lightly.

"Ngghh, n-not now...." kokichi says in a sleepily voice.

"O-oma-kun..." i say while gently shaking him again.

"H-huh? O-oh, morning saihara..." he says while slightly peeking his eyes open. "Wait , SHUICHI?!" 

Kokichi quickly sits up and looks at me in surprise.

"U-uh, i needed to ask you something,,,"

"Go on~" kokichi says while smirking slightly. "What does mr detective want from lil ol'me~" 

"I wanted to know if you've regained any of your, pregame memories..." i hesitantly say.

Kokichi looks at me, then looks down. "I-is something wrong oma-kun?" I ask, because he looked distressed. 

"W-well, yea i did get s-some..." he says looking unsure.

"Really?" I say as my face lights up, I don't know why i was happy about it to be honest. 

"I'm guessing you want to know..." kokichi says looking up at me and giving me a slight smile.

I nod as kokichi sighs at my response.

I have always been so curious about oma so i wanted to know about his past..!

He takes a deep breath before explaining his so called "pregame life"...

"W-well, i was beaten at home by my father, i was called a disappointment, waste of a life, rat, fat, ugly, good for nothing... all of those kinds of names..." kokichi says while  his voice trembles a bit. 


"I also think i was really depressed, and i, i cut myself..." he says as he rolls up his sleeve to reveal lots and lots of cuts on his arm, no wonder he always wore long sleeves...

"K-kokichi, I'm so sorry to hear that..." 

"I don't think i was f-fed enough either, to the p-point where i thought I didn't deserve to eat..." he says while starting to tear up. 

"Kokichi you don't have to say a-anything else!" I say while bringing him into a gentle hug, not to tight though... 

As I hug kokichi he starts to quietly sob into my shirt, "left it all out, it ok oma" i say in a soft voice. 

Once kokichi is done crying he latches onto me and refuses to let go, "hey oma, can i ask you a question?"

"Y-yea sure, but nothing involving my past!" He pouts while sniffling. 

"Its ok if you don't want to answer but, w-why have you got so many bandages on your legs and fingers?" 

A/N i cant tell if this chapter is long or not but so be it- uHh you finally get to see why kokichi has bandages on his legs and fingers-

And yes, this story is inspired by a lot of other post-game fan fics,,, 

Oh and to clear up some stuff: i head cannon kokichi hair is dyed purple so his hair is slowly becoming his natural colour (white), but its not noticeable just yet :D

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