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Every Member of the Soot family had wings, every member other then the youngest Thomas

Thomas who was usual called tommy was only 15, when phil was starting to lose hope in the boy growing wings

"Toms" phil said sitting next to the boy at the dinning room table

"What's up dad?" Tommy replied looking up from his feet

"Nothing just wanted to know how your doing" phil said with a small smile

"Oh I'm fine thank you" tommy said returning the smile

Of course it wasn't a complete lie he was over all doing fine, but his back hurt

Tommy went back upstairs

He walked over to his bed and layed down on his side

He fell asleep

He slept through dinner by the looks of it, tommy over all didn't care since he wasn't hungry

But he didn't leave his room the rest of the night

(2 days later)

Tommy still haven't left his room

Of course this might seem like a  inconvenience but tommy had a bathroom connected to his room and as mentioned previously wasn't hungry

"Hey Tom's" phil had said outside the door

"Tommy I'm going to cut to the chase here since phil won't" techno cut in "you've been in your room for almost 3 day, you haven't been eating since before that and over all if you don't come out I will break brown the door"

"That the short version" wilbur cut in

Tommy ignored his siblings and father and just curled up in the blankets

They had some blood on them but tommy hadn't noticed

After a few moments techno did as he said and kick the door down

This didn't startle tommy he just looked up at techno

"What do you need?" Tommy said ignoring what they had just talked about

"Tommy's why is there a blood stain on your blanket" phil asked walking closer to the bed

"What do you mean?" Tommy asked genuinely confused

"Right there" phil said pointing to the spot

Tommy finally sat up and turned over to look

The others saw his back and the room fell silent

"Tommy why didn't you tell us you were growing your wings it hurts like hell" wilbur said walking over to his little brother

"Pardon?" Tommy asked turning back around

"Tommy why don't you come lay on the couch while I clean up your room" phil suggested

"No thanks my back hurts" tommy added before laying back down

"Well that's what happens when your wings grow in" techno muttered loud enough that they all heard

"To old for wings to grow" tommy answered

"Well or so I thought" phil added

And before tommy could fall asleep techno pick up Tommy

And brought him downstairs trying to avoid where he assumed it would hurt the most on his back

Techno failed and tommy yelped in pain a few times before landing on the couch

"Wilbur can you sit with tommy I'll make some lunch" techno said after setting tommy down on the couch

Wilbur nodded and sat down next it tommy

A few seconds passed when wilbur felt a weight on his shoulder

He looked over and saw tommy asleep on his shoulder

(3 days later)

Tommy had not been out of his family sight for the past three days

But when tommy woke up the next morning he looked to his back and saw a large pair of wings

He was aware that the wings had been growing but was concerned at the size

Tommy got up and walked down stairs he didn't say a word just sat at the kitchen island

"Morning toms" phil said while making eggs

Tommy muttered good morning

After a few day with the wings tommy had learned to fly

He got it first try

Phil laughed while will and techno were upset

It took them days to get off the ground

Then everything took a new course of normal for the sleepy bois family

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