Throughout The Years

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Tommy's first day of preschool

It went well

He came home crying but by the next day everything was fixed

He had became friends with everyone and was the most popular in the grade

First day of kindergarten it was semi the same except people were more scared of him

By the first day of first grade almost half the grade was scared of tommy for most not reason

On the first day of second grade he got sent home with a note from the teacher claiming he attacked another student

First day of third grade everything was back to normal and he wasn't the most popular but no one was scared of him

When the first day of Fourth grade came around tommy had two friends and if even gave tubbo or ranboo a bad look he would fight you

That awful day of the first day of Fifth grade he ended up crying in the bathroom with ranboo and thank trying to comfort him

First day of middleschool made sure it didn't happen again

No one talked to tommy and his two friends but people talked  about them

By lunch of his first day of seventh grade he and his friends declined dozens of people's request to sit with them

First day of eighth grade tommy walked into the school with his friends but walked out alone by noon with the news his mother passed away

First day of highschool he did say anything to anyone other then tubbo and ranboo

First day of junior year he got in a fight with one of rubble bully's

First day of sophomore year he was sent to the principals office accused of doing drugs

Last day of senior year was the last time he saw tubbo or ranboo again

Ranboo was moving states away and tubbo was too

They called but it wasn't anything like when they hung out in person

The 158th day of Fourth grade tommy, ranboo and tubbo exploded the chemistry lad

174th of Fourth grade they started a good fight

10th day of fifth grade the slashed the teaches tires

57th day of six grade they  stayed in the bathroom all day

184 day of seventh grade they went to the school dance

Third day of eighth grade tommy and thank dyed their hair half pink and half blonde

89th day of eighth grade they wore strawberry dresses to school

64th day of freshmen year they used a ransoms kids vape in the bathroom

The memories could go on forever

Yet tommy also remembered the days before he met them

When he got bullied

Then the grade hated him

Fun time really

But over all none of it matter when fourth grade came around

It was him and then against the world

Word count 469

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