Just listen to him

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Third person P.o.v.

Techno was sitting in his room the voices in his head wanted blood

He could go out and kill some animals

Or what he normally would do is  make fake blood

The only problem was they didn't have red food dye and Phil's day to go shopping was tomorrow

So techno was sat there hands on his ears trying to quiet the voices

Meanwhile in the dinning room tommy was think of what he could do to help techno

Tommy thought to make fake blood but all the recipes needed red food dye which they don't have

Tommy decided to make techno some calming chery tea

It looked enough like blood to calm the voices in technos head down

So tommy heated up the water and made the tea

When tommy was almost done making the tea phil walked in

"Making tea for techno?" Phil asked when he saw tommy with the steaming mug

"Yes" tommy nodded

"So your making tea because it looks somewhat like blood maybe to help techno?" Phil questioned

"Yes" tommy nodded again

"That mean you don't hate him?" Phil asked "and if you don't hate him that means you dare I say care about him"

Tommy rolled his eyes "nope deffnetly not  just making tea maybe for techno who knows"

Tommy took the cup and went upstairs

He knocked on techno room door and left the tea outside

Tommy learned from the past to never go in the room when giving him anything

Well at least not when the voices are loud

Tommy was in his room by the time techno got the tea

Thankfully the tea actually worked enough to quite the voices and about a hour later techno left his room

He went to sit at the kitchen island where wilbur was sitting watching phil cook

"Which one if you was it?" Techno asked

"Was what?" Wilbur questioned

"The thing left outside my door" techno said

"Oh that was me, did you like it!" Wilbur asked, thinking it was a drawing that he made

"I did it helped quite the voices thank you" techno added

Wilbur smiled

Then tommy came downstairs he looked like he hasn't slept in 2 days

Which people would have noticed earlier if they had been paying attention

But not the point tommy hasn't slept in 3 days

See all of philzas children don't sleep. Even if they're tried the just can't

It make no sense but that's how it is

Techno and wilbur haven't slept the past three days either which explains why the voices were bothering techno more to day

And why wilbur didnt really leave his room much today

"Did you like what I left outside your door?" Tommy questioned when he saw techno

"It was pretty but what wilbur made helped alot more" techno said

"Oh ok I'm sorry" tommy said before sitting in the living room

A little while later techno came in to the living room as well

"Hey techno?" Tommy asked

"I'm sorry tommy not right now me and wilbur and going to watch a movie" techno said

"Oh ok" tommy went back to sitting at the kitchen island watching phil cook since wilbur and techno were watching a movie

"Hey phil?" Tommy asked

"What's up Tom's?" Phil questioned turning around to look at tommy

"What uh did wilbur make?" Tommy asked

"I think that techno is convinced that wilbur made the tea and you made the drawing" phil added turning back to cook "you could try and explain it to him though"

"I was trying to he just brushed me off" tommy added

"Ask him at dinner it done now" phil chuckled "can you get your brothers?"

Tommy nodded and went to go get them

"Dinner" tommy said before going to the dinning room

Once they all arrived Phil put food on everyone's plate

"Tonight baked potatoes by request of tommy" phil said once everyone has their food

"Tommy did you ask to make this because wilbur was helping as well?" Techno asked

"No I asked this morning because we haven't had then in a while" tommy answered

Techno just rolled his eyes

"Hey techno?" Tommy asked

"Not right now tommy I'm trying to eat" techno brushed tommy off

"Oh ok I'm sorry" tommy added

"Technoblade listen to your brother" phil said

"Ok, go on tommy" techno replied

"Uh is there anyway I could make the tea better next time less hot? Less cold?" Tommy asked "you said you didn't like it that much i wanted to know why"

"You made the tea?" Techno asked

"Yes" tommy nodded

"Why?" Techno questioned

"Maybe I won't next it seems like you didn't like it" tommy got up and walked off

That left the others to question why tommy ever made the tea

End of chapter
Word count 812

Have a nice day!

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