You wouldn't dare

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Tommy calmly walked down the stairs as if nothing happened

"Yes?" Tommy asked

"Don't 'yes'? Me you broke my guitar" Wilbur complained

"I would never" tommy said rather dramatically

"I'm telling Phil" wilbur should running away

"You wouldn't dare" tommy said following behind him

That's how they as well as techno found themselves in Phil's office

"Which one of you broke it?" Phil asked pacing the room

"Tommy" Wilbur pointed out

"Are you sure?" Phil asked

Wilbur nodded

"Tommy did you brake wilbur's guitar?" Phil questioned

"Yes I broke the guitar I'll but him a new one" tommy nodded

"Ok then, thank you for admitting to it with out hesitation but toms you can go to the party you told me about tonight" phil sighed

"Yes sir" tommy nodded walking out the office

"That was rather calm for him don't you think?" Phil asked

"Yep" Wilbur nodded

"He is one hundred percent going to sneak out" techno chimed in

"You wouldn't, would he?" Phil said note to him self

"Yes yes he would and he just walked out the fount door" Wilbur chuckled

"Damn it" Phil  shouted

Tommy took his phone and his phone charger

He went it the party and it ended at around 5 ish in the morning

Seeing how far he was from the house he went to the dream teams house since he knew where the key was and he didn't want to go home at the moment

He slept in the guest room

Woke up at 8 with a pounding headache and went downstairs to the kitchen where dream, George, and sapnap were eating breakfast

"How do you keep getting in our house?" Sapnap asked eating the waffles

"You all said I could come when ever I wanted to showed me where the key was and expect me not to take you up on the offer" tommy dramatically gasped

Dream started laughing

"Want waffles toms?" George questioned

"Yes please" tommy accepted

"Party?" Dream questioned

"Yep" tommy nodded

"We heared it" sapnap chuckled

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