part 3 let them talk but don't listen

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Hello the story was again write by my friend Mikica1 :)

„Come in Mr. Minecraft, please"
After that words I just freeze in place with pure fear all over me.

I hesitate for a god 10 seconds to get in but I don't want to disappoint Phil so I get in the office and take a seat.

I was before in here. Light grey walls, not too big room but not too small either. In there are work desk on desk monitor and lots of papers, drawer some pictures clock and regular things for office. I hate this room so much!

„So Mr. Minecraft, I think you know why I invited you and your son here?" She said looking straight into my eyes. I always hated eye contact, it just make me so uncomfortable for no reason.
„Yes I know why but first of all I want to get some things straight. First, if he would be uncomfortable to answer some of your questions, he won't answer them. Second, it's not his fault because of what happend yesterday so don't even think about blaming him. And third, you don't have any rights to kick him out of school. Am I clear?" phil says to principal and receive annoying look from her while I was smiling and listening to now happy voices who were saying things like:
And many more things like that.

Phil gave me a look with little smile on his face. „Fine, now first question. Why did you start screaming?"

I let a sigh „they just gone crazy and I couldn't help myself anymore so I just screamed." I simply explained.
„Who they?"
„The voices I hear constantly in my head."
„Um...okay so what did they wanted?"
„Blood, lots of it."
„..." she just stared at me like I was crazy and I mean she wasn't wrong. Who wouldn't be crazy aftert hearing them for whole life?
She looked at Phil and asked him „Mr. Minecraft do you know about this?"
„Yes of course I know about them. From day I adopt him I know about them."
„Oh... okay then just few more questions and you can go." She told me with little smile realizing how uncomfortable I am.
----- time skip cuz yeah I'm lazy -----
After few more questions she asked me could I wait outside for a bit. I agreed and walk outside office. Tommy's and Wilbur's first class ended so they decided to visit me in front of office.

„What did she asked you?" Tommy asked „Nothing special, just some questions about them, from when I hear them, what do they want from me and other stuff like that."

„I hate her, she's always so annoying. Remember when that one kid punched me and I punched him back? Well I got punishment and not him and that was hella unfair" wilbur said rolling his eyes.

„Yeah I remember that , good thing Phil wasn't mad a-" tommy tries to say but school ring stopped him from finishing his sentence.

„We have to go. See ya' later Tech" „see ya'" At the same time they leave Phil came out of office, principal following him.

„So Technoblade, we decided you won't get detention but you have to come after school to my office so we can talk a little. Don't worry it won't be any personal stuff."

I glared at Phil with 'do I really have to do that?' Glare and he looked at me with 'YES' glare.

„Thank you miss, I will come later." I said faking a smile. „Great now go to your class and come here after." She said opening office door and slamming them behind her.

After Phil left i went to my math class. On my way to the class i met with my school bullies. Yes you read that right, I get bullied lots of time. 'Just please ignore me' I was praying that they're just going to ignore me but of course they didn't.

„What's wrong Techi? Are you again end up at principal?" they started laughing maniacly while I just try to ignore them but voices didn't want to just ignore them. They started being louder and louder screaming at me
Punch them!
Beat the shit out of them!
Kill them!
Blood for the blood god!

„SILENCE!" I shouted and surprised they stopped. Besides them bullies just started laughing even harder but I just ignore them and walked past them finaly entering my math class.

After my math and physics class I went to office just like I promised I would.

„So I wanted to talk about that 'voices' what you hear. Listen young boy I know you're lying to me. I know that don't exist and that was most stupidest excuse I ever heard so now be nice and tell me what really happend" she shouted at me while I was looking in shock.

„But that's true. I really hea-" she started again yelling at me „I don't trust you, at least if you want to lie make good lies!"

I know here isn't safe so I just quickly get up and started running home. I just busted into house and Phil, Tommy and Wilbur are just looking at me like I fell from Mars. I didn't say anything just run upstairs and lock myself in my room.

Finaly done with this one.
Part 4?

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