Family Friends

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No One's pov

"Boys clean your rooms Dream, George and Sapnap are coming over" phil yelled from the bottom of the stairs

None of the boys argued with philza so they all started to clean the rooms

After a hour techno and tommy had finished cleaning since their rooms for the most part weren't that much of a mess

"You both done already?" Phil questioned

He got two nods in response

"Well I mean techno I expect but you to Tommy?" Phil questioned again

"Phil I'm offended" tommy said going to sit at the kitchen island with techno

"Dadza I checked he actually cleaned did throw it all in the closet" techno chimed in

"Thats odd, anyway you guys took the trash bags out too?" Phil said going back to finish making dinner

"Yup" thet said in unison

"Thank you" phil said still working on dinner "wilbur should be done soon as well"

(Time skip, presented by arson?)

Phil had just finished making dinner when the door bell rang

Phil went to answer it seeing as all three boys well didn't

"Hey guys" phil said letting the three in

"Hi phil thanks for having us over" dream replied

"It's my pleasure" phil said with a smile "also dinner's ready if you want to head to the dining room"

With that the four walked to the dinning room where Phil's three sons sat

"Hello" the three said in unison when they others entered the room

"Hello" george and sapnap responded

Dream just waved

They sat down and started eating

Tommy was rambling on about something when sapnap got annoyed

"Can you please stop tommy?" sapnap asked a little harshly

"Oh yeah I'm sorry" tommy said stopping in the middle of his sentence

(I also forgot to say tommy is like 11 here, wilbur is 14, and techno is 16)

The table was quite for the most part accept from the occasional small talk

After dinner tommy got all the dishes and went to wash them since it was his turn tonight

The rest of them went to the living room
After about a half hour of them just chatting wilbur and techno went to go see if tommy needed help with the dishes (by request if phil)

But when the boy arrived to the kitchen tommy wasn't there
So the went back to tell phil

"Hey phil he's not in the kitchen" wilbur said when to walked into the room

"He's not?" Phil asked "urm I guess go up tk his room and thank him"

They nodded and went upstairs to tommy's room

He wasn't there but there was a not on his bed it's read:
'ill be back don't worry just went on a walk to clear my head, left my phone here'

The boys took the note down to philza
Who read it out loud

"He'll be back soon" techno thought outloud

The rest just nodded

"How bout we go out back and have a fire?" Wilbur suggested
"Sure george said standing up and following wilbur out back to start the fire

After a few minutes the others followed

As the night went on they forgot tommy wasn't home and we're just joking around

After about 3 hours of that tommy walked through the front door to the back yard where he heard laughing

"Haveing a fire without me" tommy said pretending to be offended

He closed the door behind him and walked over to the others

"Well you did leave with out warning" sapnap rolled his eyes

"I'm sorry" tommy said looking to the ground

"It's fine Tom's thank you for at least leaveing a note" phil added trying to cheer the boy up

Tommy looked at phil and nodded before going to sit on the ground by wilbur and techno

Wilbur ruffled tommy's hair for a second before going back to his conversation with techno

After about ten minutes of sitting by the fire tommy stood up to get a drink of water

But as tommy was walking by sapnap he acadently knocked into him falling to the ground

"Shit..." Tommy said under his breath

"I'm sorry Sapnap" tommy added while standing up

"Jesus tommy watch where your going" sapnap replied even more annoyed

"Well" dream stepped in "that's our cue to leave"

"Thanks for coming guys" phil said leading them to the door

Once they left they yard techno looked over to tommy who just kinda laid on the ground

"Sapnap was being kinda a jerk to tommy" techno said looking to wilbur

Techno was also aware of the fact tommy could hear them

"Honestly, I mean is was a accident, and at dinner to" wilbur added

"Then when tommy got back he was all like 'you left without warning' or whatever like he probably left because of sapnap" wilbur said think looking over to tommy who still hasn't moved from his spot on the grass

"I agree" techno replied

"I'm assuming you both know I can hear you" tommy shouted right as phil walked into the back yard again

"Is tommy alive?" Phil asked sitting in his chair

"No" tommy whined from the ground

"Also dream apologized for sapnaps behavior" phil added

There was no response from any of the three

At the end of the night the three children fell asleep by the fire

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