World of the end

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"cus its the end" mumza shouted

"So?" Phil questioned "i think they could beat the dragon"

"And if they can't?" Mumza replied

"Then they respawn at home" Phil shrugged

"They'll be terrified" she tries to reason

"Their strong kids they can beat the dragon" Phil Protested

"Their kids" she added

In the end Phil won the fight and Phil was about to send his children who had full diamond armour to the end to kill a dragon to prove a point to his wife

Killing the Dragon was a great responsibility not many people could kill one

But for some reason Phil had a lot of faith in his sons

Techno was the blood god

Wilbur was a musician

Tommy was a prodigy when if came to fighting

He walked them to the portal gave them each a hug and pushed them in

When they got there it was a interesting sight to be seen for them

Giant pilliers of obsidian

Enderman everywhere

But the most odd being a bed rock piller with a egg on top

They were wondering around when they noticed a dragon

"Holy shit" tommy exclaimed

"That's what phil wants us to kill" techno questioned confusion as fuck

"I guess?" Wilbur answered

"Asshole move" tommy said under his breath

"No i agree with you tommy" Wilbur added

"Yeah..." Techno's sighed "he said to destroy the crystals on top the giant pilliers"

The other two nodded and they started to work on  getting to the top of a piller

Wilbur got to the top of a piller first and mined it with a pick

He proceeded to get thrown off the obsidian tower

He saved him self with a water bucket

"Be careful" Wilbur yelled to his brothers "they explode"

Tommy and techno now being warned didn't get throw off they towers

They went around destroying all of the crystals before going to the bed rock base where the dragon was currently perched

They just hit it with their swords till it died

"That was... That was oddly easy" techno stated

"Phil said it would be difficult" tommy chuckled

"Just from his experience I guess his and his friends aren't as cool as us" Wilbur smiled

I'm the end the grabbed the dragon egg and went through the portal home

When they got home they all saw mumza sitting in the room reading a book with a worried expression

"Mumza we did it" tommy shouted giving her a hug

"Good job boys" she smiled returning the hug "non of you are hurt are you?"

"Nope" Wilbur chuckled

"Phil said it would be hard that was surprisingly easy" techno sighed

"Boys it is hard nearly impossible for most people" she said

"Yooo we're better then most people" tommy grinned

The room erupted I'm laughter from that

End of chapter

I came up with his our of a pure play on word from the previous chapter

Idk man

I hope you all have a lovely day, night, morning, or evening

Word count 504

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