Vacation- Part 1

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"Lucas, are you.. Asking me... Out?" He seems really nervous at my question but acted like everything was ok. "If- if that's ok with you?"

I smiled, real big.. Just like if I were to see my dad again. "Yeah, it's great." Now he was smiling.. This feels like a dream.. "Ok so, how about Saturday at-"

I woke up from my dream, To see my mom shaking me like a baby's rattle or something. "Oh hey darling, didn't mean to wake you. How are you doing?" I was fine.. in my dream...

"I'm... Good... Just a little tired." Mom must've really not cared because now she's real enthusiastic.

"Oh. Well I have great news!!! We're going on vacation!!!!!! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!!!!!!!!!" Based on the blahs you could tell all I heard was vacation.

FINALLYY I could take a break from this stupid reality life, and go be 'Makayla Terri' for a few days (one of the popular girls in school). "Oh wow!! That's so cool mom!!! Thank you soo much!!! So it's just you and me right?"

Her smile changed into a frown.. The expression on my face turned from happy and excited to a little confused. "Summer, you must've not heard me.. Mr. Pines is coming with us. He's the one who invited us to go to a cabin and stay there for three days."

Now MY smile turned into a frown. Back to reality. No Makayla Terri... It's all gone. Thrown out the window. "Oh. I can always stay home?" Mom looked at me so confused.

"Summer... Seriously? You'd pick this old house and TV over vacation???? I mean, when you get back to school from break, what are you going to tell all your friends??

Oh yeah I stayed home, eating popcorn.. And watching Netflix." She tried to imitate 'my voice' trying to sound as deep as possible.

"Mom first of all.. Yes, no offense but I truly deeply do not like Mr. Pines, he's really disturbing and weird." I shiver at the thought. Mom stares at me with wide brown eyes and when I mean wide, I mean wide.

"Summer.. Marie... Zam!! How could you say such a thing?!?! I expect you to be packed by tonight, we're leaving tomorrow. Now get in the shower, Mr. Pines is coming for lunch."

Lunch? Gosh I woke up late. And I can't believe she'd react like that, moms are supposed to understand your problems every step of the way!!

At that thought, I stomp my way to my closet, looking for something to wear. Apparently, mom heard my reaction to her yelling and starts yelling again.. This time downstairs.

"Summer!!! Don't you dare stomp on these floors!!!" Ohhhhh myyyyy Goddddd.. She is sometimes sooooo annoying!!! Like, I love her to death but she can be the slightest bit to ticking me off.
*about 40 minutes later*

"So Katherine, did you tell Summer about the-" Mr. Pines was cut off by my mom at the dinner table. "Yes, I did. She believes it's a lovely idea, and she's coming."

I roll my eyes. Mom caught me.. Her eyes popped out of her head at me to signal 'don't do that!' Jeez. I bite into my ham and cheese sandwich, mmm. Soo good! Kudos mom. She can be the best cook when she's in her 'moods'.

"Yeah, thanks Mr. Pines." Food was still in my mouth while I was talking, I only show manners to the people I like. I know I know I was a little rude. Mom clearly put that out there...

"Summer, go to you're room please. I have to talk to Mr. Pines." With that, Mr. Pines seemed a little scared.. I was a little scared too....... Just a little.

I finished my sandwich and excused myself from the table. I quick walked up the stairs into my room. I slammed my door, but not too hard. I just wanted to make sure mom thought I was doing something else.

I quietly pressed my ear to the door. Achievement accomplished, I can hear their conversation. "I'm sorry about Summer, she has her moods I guess." Mom sighed after her little confession. "It's fine Katherine, she'll come around.. We'll have fun tomorrow."

I hear another sigh, but I don't know who it's from. I hear a lot of mumbles so I got bored and stood up from the floor. I took my traveling bag from the closet, and started packing.

After I finished, I ended up lying down on my bed. Next thing ya know, zzzzzzZzzzZZZzzzzzzzZZZ. *the next day*

"Summer.. Chop chop!! Get up. Go in the shower. Lets go!!!!" Once again I'm startled by a dream and hop out of my bed. I jog into the bathroom. And get in the shower.

When I get out the shower I hear Mr. Pines and mom talking. Oh Mr. Pines is here!!!! YAY. (Sarcastic moment) I grab my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. I start brushing my teeth.

After brushing my teeth, I put on some dark blue skinny jeans and a graphic tee that had grumpy cat on it. Over that I put a blue sweater on that had pink flowers. Not my type but grammy gave it to me. After that, I put my hair in a fishtail. Surprisingly, I've perfected the fish tail. I'm so excited to show this off!!
*20 minutes later*

I'm in the back seat of Mr. Pines Toyota Camry, eh. I'm laying down staring out the window. It's apparently snowing so eventually I fell asleep.
*an hour and thirty minutes later*

"Summer, w-wake up.. We're here." Mr. Pines was shaking my shoulder trying to wake me up just like mom would. From outside I could hear mom's voice "Is she awake?"

I wanted to answer for myself, so I did. "Yeah mom, I'm awake." I open the car door and take my suitcase out the trunk. This place is like a hotel except you would have you're own cabin.. Or house.

As Mr. Pines mom and I walk into the building to get keys for a cabin, you'll never believe who I see behind me on the line....

Author's Note:
Hello there readers!!
So who do you think Summer saw behind her on the line??

That lady you saw- Jennifer Garner. Yeah, she's supposed to be Summer's mom. I'll post more pictures of more characters!!!

Tell me how you like the book so far!!! My lovely mom is also reading this. She said it's great so far, I hope you agree!!

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