Fast Forward- Almost There

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Today is a half a day for me in school, only because there's a big test for my peers but some of the the other kids aren't taking it... Thankfully, I'm one of the kids who aren't taking it.

The kids who don't have to take it have to sit in the gym for three hours straight. I mean.. It's better than taking a big test that won't even matter later on in life.

Or at least that's how mom sees it.

So Lucas and I are planning on sitting next to each other in the gym since Chloe was so eager to take the stupid test, and I can't sit next to her.

I got out the shower and picked out clothes. Mission assignment- chill and layed back, I put on a plaid shirt with black leggings and my uggs. Mission accomplished.

I carefully hopped down the stairs to see mom really happy in the kitchen.. That's a first.

"Oh hey baby, I made some eggs and bacon for you on the stove."

I hugged her good morning and 'walked' to the fridge to get some orange juice. I poured myself a glass and got a plate.
*about 5 minutes later*

"Mom, I almost forgot to tell you it's a half a day at school."

"Oh yeah I know the school called me. What do you want to do when you get home?"

I shrugged while eating a piece of bacon. "Oh I don't know, sleep." Mom is in a really good mood because she hates it when I'm sarcastic. "Oh ok well I'll be at work."

We both nodded in agreement, I finished my breakfast and walked out the door. Oops I forgot something, my book incase if I get bored of Lucas.

I kiss mom goodbye and walk out the door.
*getting off the bus*

Lucas was already waiting at the door for me. He's such a sweetheart, "okay, so I figured the corners in the gym are the best."

I nodded, "Sure that's fine with me." Lucas and I signed in our names and I had to get a chair while Lucas had to sit on the floor, my thoughts- HAHA

But he was already getting really boring after about 20 minutes..

I decided to pull out my book.

"Um.. Summer." I shut my book closed, eager to hear what he was about to say. "Well, I don't know how to say this.. But.. I-"

Out of nowhere Victoria intrudes into our conversation. (perfect timing... Greeaatt) "Hey guys what's up! Oh hi Lucas awe you look so cute today with your basketball jersey."

Lucas sighed in frustration and shook his head. I'm so clueless right now, and also a little annoyed by Victoria's presence.

"Hi Victoria, I didn't know you were one of the people who aren't taking the test?" Lucas seemed just as annoyed as I was.

Victoria shook her head with a small laugh.

"Well no, my daddy is very rich and he can fire anyone from their job, he said 'IF MY DAUGHTER TAKES THE TEST I WILL HAVE EVERYONE FIRED' haha daddy's such a sweetheart.. So Lucas, come follow me to the water fountain.."

I rolled my eyes as Victoria grabbed Lucas' hands to go to the "water fountain" Lucas looked back at me and smiled, I smiled back.

He mouthed words to me, I think he said "we need to talk" but I'm not sure. I nodded anyway.

I took out my book and read the first chapter of "The Fault in Our Stars" I love the movie, and I figured the book should be better.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Augustus half smiled. Because you're beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people..."
*15 minutes later*

I smiled at the book, awe it's so cute. Lucas came back about fifteen minutes later, he looked at me and shook his head.

"Uh, Summer, I'm gonna ask my uncle if I can hang over your house sometime this week. I really need to talk to you."

When he said that, I felt like I was in trouble for something I didn't do. I didn't show that I was scared, I just nodded and smiled at him.

He sat down next to me and dozed off a few minutes later, I ended up doing the same.
*about 2 hours later*

I woke up in my chair to a whole bunch of teachers yelling "get out the gym! Get on the bus! Go home!" I sighed and rubbed my eyes, Lucas was next to me sleeping.

He looks so cute sleeping, sadly I have to wake him up. I shook him and he finally woke up, for a second I thought he was dead. His bleary eyes stared at me and smiled. "Lucas we gotta go."

"Oh. Ok let's go." We both nodded in agreement and walked out the gym. I swear he almost wrapped his arms around me but I'm pretty he remembered he has a girlfriend- Victoria Cablick.
*at my bus stop*

I walked inside and ran upstairs to my room. This was a pretty good day.

I have a feeling Lucas likes me, but I don't know.

💁🏾--------Author's Note--------💁🏾
Hey what's up guys!! Hope you've had a great weekend so far, thanks for being so supportive and getting this far in reading my book!!

I hope you guys like it, this book is almost done.. Maybe about five or six more chapters. I have mixed emotions about this, I'm happy about it but also a little sad..

If you want me to write a second Summer's journal then I'd be gladly to, or I can write Chloe's journal or whoever else you want. I want you guys to enjoy this book as much as I do.

Once again, before I go, I need someone to be Lucas😝 he has to have bluish- greenish eyes and dirty blond hair, he has to look around the age of 13-15.. I was looking at Peyton Meyers but I don't know.

If you think I should keep Peyton Meyers as Lucas then let me know, If you have someone else.. Once again let me know!! Alright thanks readers!!

Oh and sorry if this chapter wasn't as good as you expected, I think the next chapter will be better😚

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