I Didn't Know Her Story.. Until Now.

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"Summer!!! Get up! You have school today, remember." Mom pulled the covers off my bed, which makes me feel really cold.

"Ughhhh, mom please put my covers back on, just five more minutessss."

Mom sighed and rolled her eyes, not because I looked at her, I just know my mom that well.

"No, get up sweetie." Mom grabbed my arms and pulled me off my bed. I fell with a thud to the ground. "Owwwwwww moooommmm!!"

Mom dropped my arms on the floor with another thud. Mom covered her mouth with her hands. "Ooh baby I'm so sorry, but you gotta get up, is your leg okay?"

With the awesome strength of my arms.. And one leg, I pushed myself up and sat on my bed. I blew the hair that was on my face off of my face. "Yes mom, I'm good, and I'm officially awake."

Mom chuckled. "I guess I have to do that everyday to wake you up, don't I?" I shook my head excessively because I really didn't want that happening. Mom smirked soon after.

Mom walked out of my room to leave me privacy. I hopped to my dresser and picked out some clothes. Yesterday, mom and I went shopping for a few new clothes and I love what I picked out.

I got some new jeans, sweatpants, cool shirts, a cardigan, some nice uggs, and two sweaters. Today, I'm going to wear a baggy sweater which is really cute, nice jeans, and my new uggs.

I'm really excited to wear them because almost every girl in my school wear uggs. I want to be in the latest fashions to be in with the crowd.

After that, I put my hair in this cool braid but I don't know what it's called, there was this girl on YouTube who had all these really cute hairstyles, so I decided to do one myself.

I got out the shower and put on my clothes, after that I went downstairs to go eat breakfast. Eggs, bacon, grits, sausage.. And fruits.

Mom always gives me a nice breakfast in the morning for when I'm taking a test, even if it's a quiz, mom is a very supportive person when it comes to stuff like that.

And I love her for it.

I finished my food and there's only five minutes left to spare, I rush to the closet to get my backpack. "Summer, when you get to school invite that girl.... Uh, Chloe over, she seems nice."

I rolled my eyes to the fact that mom wants to invite someone over, and she doesn't even know her name. "Ok mom, see you later, love you."

Mom waved at me as I was reaching the door. I hopped outside as fast as I could because I saw the bus pull up to my bus top. I almost fell but thanks to my supercalifragelisticexpealidotious reflexes, I didn't.

I hopped up the steps and everybody, even the bus driver stared at me. All the kids started whispering and the bus driver just kept staring at me. I went to my usual seat- 'The Loser Seat'

And this time, the bus driver actually waited for me to sit down and then started driving. Some of my peers were staring at me while the others were talking about me, that pretty much lasted the whole bus ride.

We finally got to school and I went to my locker, Chloe was already there. "Hey Summer, what's up?"

I smiled at her to show her I was okay. "Nothing much really, um, my mom was wondering if you wanted to hang out at my house later?"

Chloe got all excited just like when she was excited about helping me get around school. She clapped her hands together and jumped. "Of course!"

She opened my locker and got all the books I needed for my next four classes. "Oh ok cool." We both nodded and walked to my first period class.

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