My Birthday

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Today was going to be the perfect day. I woke up at 6:30, Took a shower and put on my favorite dress, a black skater dress and my red converse high tops. I also put a red bow on my hair from my grandma from my last birthday. I still can't figure out why she's not coming this year. Oh well, I have more things to worry about.

I ran down the stairs to Mr. Pines,my neighbor. He's around my mom's age, and annoying, always coming over to eat dinner with us. I guess now it's breakfast too.

"Oh hello Summer, you're mom told me today is your birthday so I thought I would give you this." He handed me a plastic Walmart bag, inside the bag was a bracelet. I could already tell it was used, by the scratches on it. He definitely wasn't prepared for this, I could tell, plastic Walmart bag.. Really?

I stared at the bracelet, then looked up innocently. "Gee thanks Mr.Pines, how thoughtful of you." The funny thing is I didn't mean any of that, I was staring at my mom the whole time, she was mouthing every word for me to say. She knew the feelings I had for Mr.Pines, I never told her, she just knew based on the expressions on my face every time I saw him.

After I finished my Raisin Bran, I checked the time on the tv cable box. 7:03. Oh God two minutes until the bus comes! The bus is always on time!

I search around for my backpack and finally find it hidden in the closet, I take it, kiss my mom on the cheek and run out the door. As soon as I get outside I see the bus waiting for me, I run up the stairs, almost tripping while the bus driver taunts me.

"You're late again, missy!" I never got the time to say I'm sorry because she ended up driving while I was still walking down the aisle.. which made me trip and fall. I finally got up and kept asking everybody if a seat was taken. Obviously, they said yes.

This happens everyday, the same garbage. I ended up sitting in "The Loser Seat" on the bus, as always I'm staring out the window as my peers are laughing at me and sharing whispers and secrets about me. I know it's about me because I constantly here my name. Perfect day.

When I got to school everybody was chuckling at me or giggling happy birthday. Was that a good or bad thing? As soon as I got to my locker I was afraid to open it based on what I saw on the outside, I saw pictures of me from I don't even know where, they had mustaches on my face, there was more though. I was shocked to see.. What I saw.

I opened my locker and I don't know what puked onto me. I don't even know how they did this. I don't know anything. At this moment I felt like my life was over. I walked into class stinking up the whole room. Mr.Clam stared at me, he froze. He didn't know what to say, I could tell based on the confusion on his face.

"Miss.Zam what do you think you are doing, go clean yourself up in the bathroom, I expect you back in 5 minutes." More than half of the class giggled at me.

I could feel tears running down my face on my way to the bathroom. The tears in my eyes blinded me so much I bumped into someone without noticing, I didn't know who it was until they helped me up and I wiped my tears. Oh man, Lucas.

"Wha- what happened? Summer are you okay?" I really didn't want to talk to him, especially because I look awful. "Nothing, I'm fine.. I.. I have to go, Mr.Clam expects me back in 5 minutes." All he did was put both hands on my shoulders and stare into my eyes. He wouldn't let go.. It seemed he didn't know what happened. So I told him.

"Nobody likes me in this school, not even the teachers." Staring at the clock, I was about to say I had to go but he hugged me. I didn't want to let go, but I didn't want to get in trouble. "I care about you, Summer. And I'll always be here."

He rubbed my back in comfortable circles. "Thank you, Lucas.. I'm so sorry but I have to go, and I'm also sorry for the stain I left on your shirt." He let go of the hug and looked down to his shirt.

Thank goodness it was just a small hug because that made a small stain, he chuckled and told me I should go before Mr.Clam yells at me.

We exchanged our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I jogged to the girls bathroom and cleaned myself up. Nothing could be worse than this, and then I heard a familiar voice. "Happy birthday... Summer? Isn't it?" I thought wrong.

Once again, Victoria Cablick and her crew. "Did you like my birthday gift? Oh don't mention it. More than half the school chipped in. Even you're best friend Lucas. Oh and don't talk to him anymore, he's mine. He doesn't even like you."

I knew he was too good to be true. "Victoria, thanks for the birthday gift, it was really thoughtful now it's time that I should go." She smirked at me, I knew she was thinking crazy things in her mind.

I walked out, like nothing happened. I looked cleaner than I was before.. But I definitely still smelled. When I walked into class everybody once again giggled at me.

Mr.Clam looked towards the door "it took you long enough, Summer." I looked down at my feet. Three seconds later I walked to my seat. My peers that were surrounded by me moved their desks farther away from me. Typical.
*on the bus home*

I'm staring out the window looking for my house. Finally my stop. As I'm walking up the aisle, towards the door everybody's giggling happy birthday. I'm not surprised, I've heard it all day.

I'm glad today is Friday though. Tomorrow is my birthday party. Not that I'm excited. Mom is low on money so I'm not having cake or anything spectacular.

When I came inside nobody was home. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and dramatically flopped on my bed. I went over my day and cried myself to sleep. Perfect day huh.

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