The Funeral

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Today is the day I go to the funeral for grammy and grampy.. It's really hard for me to move on, I still can't take my mind off the fact that I didn't say goodbye.. After taking a shower I put on a black dress that mom let me wear from when she was young.

It was actually really pretty, and I liked how it was flowy at the bottom. After putting on the dress, I looked in the mirror and smiled. Mom did my hair last night, it's in a perfect bun with some strands of hair hanging out. I look pretty good actually, what would Victoria say now? After that conceited moment, I hopped to my closet for shoes I could wear...

Adidas? No, white nikes? No no no, My converse? No it would ruin the look.. My gray vans? They look really good but they're screaming 'wear me! Wear me!!' Nope, that would also ruin the look.. And..... Who's.. Shoes?.... Black heels?

"Mom! I found a pair of your shoes in my closet." Mom walked into my room and found me sitting on the floor next to my closet with a pair of shoes in my hand.

"Oh yeah I bought them for you.. I know your not 16 yet but they would look cute on you. Likee likee?" This time I actually took a look at them, and nodded, they seemed pretty decent.

Mom helped me get up and smiled big. Now she started tearing up. I guess she didn't have any words for what she was smiling about. "You just look, so pretty.. I wish grammy and grampy could see you."

A confused look appeared on my face. I have on a black dress, my hair is in a messy bun, basically my whole leg is wrapped, and I'm only wearing one shoe. Really mom? Really?

"I- I'm downstairs, Mr. Pines should be on his way I'm just making breakfast for us.. Ok?" I nodded. "I'm following you downstairs. I need to catch up on Pretty Little Liars and find out who's the 'A'... But I'm pretty sure it's Allison." Mom laughed to this and left my room.

I found mom at the top of the steps waiting for me, I handed her my crutches and hopped downstairs, soon after, she followed. I hopped my way to the couch and got the TV remote. Apparently the news was on and there was an accident on some street.. To be honest, I really don't care.

I navigated my way onto Netflix and obviously picked Pretty Little Liars. I put my bad leg on a comfortable stool in front of me. The cable box said 8:53, the funeral starts at 10:30. I guess we got time.. The theme song of Pretty Little Liars came on.

I watch this show so much I knew the whole theme song by the time the second episode came out. When the first episode came out, I was repeatedly watching it I have no idea why... I sang along with the words.

"Got a secret, can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save. Better lock it in your pocket, taking this one to the grave." I was about to keep singing until I heard mom sigh. "Can you please lower down the TV?" I picked up the remote and lowered down the volume. "Thank you."

I rolled my eyes at the thought that she just ruined my moment.
*about 15 minutes later*

Mr. Pines, mom, and I ate breakfast. It was pretty good.. I almost messed up my dress but mom was very cautious about the dress, it must mean a lot to her.. She put a big napkin on my lap and tucked another one around the neckline. I feel like a two year old..

"Ok Summer, time to go, finish up the rest of your food, we have to get there a little earlier than everybody else." I took one last bite out of my waffles and put my dirty dishes in the sink. Next thing you know we were all out the door, in the car.
*ten minutes later*

"Oh good your here, Katherine Zam.. Correct?" I guess the guy who runs this thing was nervous about if we were going to make it on time or not. Mom reached out a hand to greet herself. "Yes, and this is my daughter Summer, and my.. Friend, Louis."

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