the open fly

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"GAH school is finally over with we're officially second years now" Mei exclaimed happily. "Before we go back to the dorms we should go to the sporting goods store" Sana stated.

"Why do you need to go to the sporting good store" Carlos asked. "Well I need to buy my little cousin a gift since I'm going to Nagano for a few days" she answered.

"WELL LETS GO ASK THE OTHERS IF THEY WANT TO GO TOO" Mei exclaimed too loudly which caused him to get hit in the back of the head by Sana.

Once they all made it to the store they all went their separate ways. Sana walked to the baseball cleats section to find some cleats to gift her little cousin. Once she saw the perfect pair in his size she grabs the box to only find another hand on the box as well.

"Oh sorry you can take this pair there's another a couple boxes under" the green haired boy said. "Thanks" she said shyly with the close contact with the random green haired boy. "So why are you getting boys baseball cleats for" the green haired boy questioned.

"Oh they're for my little cousin I thought I should be a nice cousin and buy him some new cleats since he is starting high school in West Tokyo" Sana stated. "Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself I'm Kuramochi Yōichi.. so what school is your little cousin attending" he questioned.

"Kuramochi-kun it's nice to meet you my name is Sawamura Sana, uh I think my cousin told me that he is going to attend Seidou High" she stated. Kuramochi widened his eyes " Oh really... that's actually the school i attend" he said while scratching the back of his head. Sana looked at him surprised "Oh really now... well I hope you take good care of my hot headed cousin" she chuckled.

Sana and Kuramochi talked for about a good ten minutes about school and stupid shit. Sana heard her phone go off and she saw a text from Mei.

New message

The #1 annoying slut ♥︎

Ghese okay you don't have to type
in caps you know 🙄

The #1 annoying slut ♥︎
Fine just hurry up😠


"Sorry Kuramochi-kun I have to cut this conversation short I have to get the rest of the stuff I need since my friends are waiting for me" she said sadly. "Hey before you go can I get your number" he asked.

"Sure" Sana exclaimed. Sana looked down cause of nervousness and saw his fly open the red tiny on her cheeks grew brighter.

"Kuramochi-kun your fly is open" she stated with a blush. "Huh...shit stop looking at it" he exclaimed with a blush redder than a tomato. "Well anyway um I guess I'll go now I'll text you when I get to my dorm" she exclaimed happily and waved goodbye.

Sana runs to get the other things she needed to get. Once she paid for her things she's met with Mei and Carlos while the others already walked back to the school.

"Sana-chan you're five minutes late, bad Sana-chan bad" Mei exclaimed talking to her like a dog.

"You better stop or you'll get neutered" Sana said with a smirk. "GAH SANA-CHAN you're so mean" Mei shrieked while hiding behind Carlos.

"Well I guess it's time to part ways see you guys at the station tomorrow" Sana said and waved goodbye walking to girl dorms of Inashiro.


"Huh I guess it's kuramochi-kun I guess he couldn't wait until I got back to my dorm" she thought.


Kuramochi-kun (2)

The Annoying Sluts (10)



It's kuramochi

Yeah I know it's you Kura

Sana change contact name to "Kura"


That's your nickname "kuramochi" is
too long so I just shortened it


So wyd?

Oh I'm just having a party with some of
the team members since our senpais
are graduating

Well I shouldn't hold you for long so go have
some fun with your senpais

Well I'll go back . Text you tomorrow okay?

that's fine for me

Well good night, talk to you later.


Kuramochi POV

Kuramochi chuckled at the text then stepped back inside his dorm. "Oi Kuramochi who were you texting outside" Jun asked. " one" Kuramochi stated.

As soon as he knew it Ryosuke jumped on his back to knock him down and grabbed Kuramochi phone. Ryosuke had unlocked the phone to see his messages with Sana.

"Hmmm so who's this Sana-Chan" Ryosuke asked.

"Uhh.... she's a girl I met at the sporting goods store today" Kuramochi answered. "I wonder if she's good at shogi" Tetsuya asked. Everyone sweat dropped at the new captain bluntness.

"Hmm I know a Sana. Does she have long curly hair and has a beauty mark near her eye?" Miyuki chimed in

"Oddly detailed, but yes she does" Kuromochi replied.

"Ah! That's my childhood bestie Sana!" Miyuki pulls out his phone to show a picture of both him and Sana hugging as children.

"Holy shit are you still friends with her? Do you know if she's single?!" Kuromochi questioned.

"Last I checked she's still single. Why are you interested in her?!" Miyuki smirked

"HAHA KUROMOCHI HAS A CRUSHHHH" Jun exclaimed and all the boys in the room started to laugh while his face gotten to a dark red

"Jun let's not make fun of people, remember when you tried to text your crush in insta dms but she left you on read?" Ryosuke laughed.

Everyone in the room busted out in an even louder laughter than before. For the rest of the night the boys just played video games and some of them still pestered Kuromochi about more information on Sana.

A/N: hi guys I hope you're all doing well I'm sorry for short chapters idk if my brain will let me make 1500+ word stories but who knows anyway this might be a slow burn but I don't know if I'll put a lot of angst but who knows hope you enjoy! (Sorry for the crappy border things😔)



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