the arcade

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Sana wakes up from the banging sound from outside her door.

"SANA-CHAN WAKE UP" Mei exclaimed from outside the door. "Hai hai" she says quietly while she opens the door. "Sana it's 3pm why are you still asleep" Mei whined. "Sorry Mei you know that I sleep in late plus I don't have any plans until later today" she yawns.

Mei sits on her bed "oh so where are you going and with who" he said with a protective tone. "Chill I'm going to the arcade with a friend" she says. "Is it a girl or guy" he questioned. "Girl" she lied. "Hmm I see....well have fun Sana-chan" he said cheerfully at the end while skipping out of her dorm. Sana sweat dropped at his sudden change of mood.

Sana looked over at the clock to see it's now 3:15pm and she would meet Kuramochi at 6pm. "Well I guess I should get ready" she said.

After she got out of the bathroom she threw on a black v-neck and some jeans. She put on a little bit of tinted moisturizer,mascara, and clear lipgloss. She had a little time left so she stopped by Mei's dorm.

"Mei open up the doorrrrr" she says.

Mei opens up the door and she sees Carlos and Shirakawa playing video games in the background. "Hey guys" she says while waving. "Why are you wearing makeup are you going somewhere special" Carlos questioned. "Not really" she says while looking at the ground.

"So what brings you here" Mei says while sitting on the ground. "Well I wanted to waste some time so I came here. Plus I wanted to know about your opinion about my outfit" she says. "Oh well I like it but you should've wore earrings" he said. Sana sulks "yeah you're right". She starts heading to the door and said "I'll go back and put some on then head to the arcade. Cya later guys"

"Cya" they all said.

After Sana went back and got her earrings she started walking to the arcade.

At the arcade

After 15 minutes of walking she finally made it to the arcade. She looks at the entrance to see Kuramochi waiting for her.

"Yo Kura-kun did I make you wait long" she questioned. "Ah no I just got here like a minute ago so it's fine" he stated.

"Well let's go inside" she said.

"Okay so what games should we go first" she asked. "Let's go to Mario Kart games" Kuramochi said.

"Oh you better be prepared to get your ass whooped at all these games" Sana said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh is this a challenge" Kuramochi asked with a grin.

"Sure am, winner has to buy dinner" she said while taking out her hand to shake his hand. "Oh you're on Sana-chan" Kuramochi said.

They walk to the game and sat in the red chair. They chose their character, Sana chose Daisy and Kuramochi chose Browser.

Game system: Ready..... 3.... 2..... 1 START

Kuramochi starts off in 2nd place while Sana is in 4th place. After they made the turn Sana threw a turtle shell at Kuramochi knocking him to 5th place while she takes 2nd and gains up to take first place. In the 2nd lap Kuramochi threw a Bob-omb at Sana spinning her out and making her take 2nd while he goes to first.On the last lap Sana throws another turtle shell at kuramochi to take first place.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHA I WON" Sana exclaimed while doing an happy dance. Kuramochi sulked "let's do a rematch" he said. "Okay" she says with a grin.

2 hours later

A crowd of people swarm Sana and Kuramochi.

"Woah this will be the 57th time she beat him in a row" one person said.

"I feel bad for him he's been actually trying" another person said.

Game system:Winner Daisy!!

"HAHAHAHA my 57th win how do you feel Kura-kun" she says with a grin. "Not too good I've got my ass whooped too many times" he says while sulking. "Well now you can pay for my dinner oh and sorry that we couldn't play any other games we were just a little too focused on Mario Kart" she says while sweat dropping.

"Okay well let's go to the photo booth then we'll leave" she says while smiling. When they went into the booth they put on the funny glasses with the mustache and started doing funny poses.

After she got the photos she showed Kuramochi. "They're perfect" she says while smiling.

"Well since it's late and a lot of places aren't open let's go to McDonald's" Sana stated. "Well it's good for my pockets" he said while sweat dropping. "Well okay off we go Kura-kun" she said while pushing him out of the door.

At McDonald's

"I'll take the 20 piece chicken nuggets with honey mustard and a small fry with a medium sprite please" she told the cashier. "I'll take a cheese burger meal" Kuramochi said. Sana went to go find a table while Kuramochi pays.

"Are you going to eat all that food" he asked Sana. "Sure I will, I love chicken nuggets" she exclaimed. "Number 152" a cashier yells. "Oh that's our number I'll be back" Kuramochi says.

When Kuramochi came back with the food she was scarfing down the nuggets. "Hehe sorry I didn't eat today I had woken up late" she says. "It's okay so tell me about yourself" he asked. So then Sana told him all about her and Kuramochi did the same.

About half way through there long conversation Kuramochi looks at her shocked from seeing her finish 20 nuggets in 10 minutes

"Well I should get going I had a fun time Kura-kun I hope you had a fun time as well" she says while getting up. "I had a fun time as well Sana-chan" he said. Sana went up to kiss his cheek "I'm glad you did" she says with a little red tint on her face. "Y-y-yeah same here" he said. "Well see you later Kura-kun text me whenever" she says while waving.

She left Kuramochi shocked from the kiss on the cheek she gave him.

Once Sana got back to her dorm she passed out on her bed.

Sorry for not updating yesterday like I said. I was at my grandparents house and I didn't think I would be there for so long. But anyway i changed the quotes to not game the italics because now I look at it, it looks stupid to me so I will change it maybe tomorrow in my other chapters. Plus this is the longest chapter I've wrote at this moment. (1000+ without author note).Plus I'm kinda writing this late at night for a school night. But anyway THANK YOU FOR 340+ READS ON THIS STORY!!!

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