the pitches

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The next morning

"SANAAAAAAA WAKE UP" Eijun yelled while opening her door. Sana jumped out of bed and went to kick Eijun in the stomach. "ACK" Eijun exclaimed. "You should know not to wake me up in the morning" Sana huffed out. "But it's 2pm" Eijun says with a pout. "Huh I slept in that late" she sighed.

"Okay let me get ready so I can bat some of your pitches" she stated while pushing Eijun out of her room.She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.Then she threw on some gray sweatpants and a white T-shirt, and headed out of her door.

Sana sees Eijun waiting for her at the door. "What took you so long" he asked. "I took ten minutes to get ready what do you mean" she asked."I could've did that in five minutes tops" he exclaimed. "Okay whatever lemme go get something to eat" Sana went to the kitchen and toasted some bread and brought some water for the both of them.

"Let's go" she said while putting her shoes on. They walked to the baseball field near their house.

Sana went up to the plate in her batter's position. "Your ready for my beautiful pitches HAHAHAHAHAHA" Eijun exclaimed. "I guess" she says with a shrug. Eijun pitches the ball and Sana hit it to the fence. Eijun's jaw had hit the ground. "I guess I still got it" she stated. "AGAIN" he exclaimed.

This went on for 4 hours with Sana always getting good hits on Eijun's pitches. But they didn't notice that the one and only Takashima Rei was watching them. She got up and went to the cousins. "You did a good job at batting his crazy pitches" Rei stated. "Well yeah you get used to it after batting it for so long" Sana sighed. "Well I'll let you two get home see you guys later" Rei said while walking off.

At home

"Sana your package from your grandparents from America is here" her mother stated."Thanks for telling me" she says while grabbing the big package and bringing it upstairs.She opens the box and looked through it.

"YES MORE HAIR PRODUCTS" she exclaimed happily. "Oooo some clothes and.....AMERICAN SNACKS" Sana started dancing around her room for the American snacks she would enjoy later that evening.

She went to text her grandparents "thank you for the package". Sana went downstairs to the smell of her mom's famous fried pork chops and collard greens. She saw that her mom invited the whole family over. Eijun was getting terrorized by her 7 year old brother with his nerf guns and her dad (Kento), grandpa, and uncle were drinking some sake and talking about sports. Her mom and auntie were setting up the table while her grandma was getting the drinks. They all sat down and ate.

"So Sana anything new with you? Any boyyyyyfriend" her grandpa joked

"Eh, nothing new. Also no boyfriend, you don't have to worry about me grandpa"

"Good! I don't want to travel all the way to Tokyo to beat up a boy! Stay away from them they have cooties!" Sana's father exclaimed

"Oh Kento hush! You know you were all over me in high school that's why we had Sana so early! You said you wanted to-" she's interrupted by her husband

"Breia hush! She wasn't supposed to know that!" Kento blushed.

"Anyways, are you still friends with that blonde one and that one with glasses?" Her auntie chimes in

"Oh you mean Mei and Miyuki? Yes I am except for I don't talk to Miyuki as much."

"Isn't that so sweet! I still have the pictures of the three of you in elementary school when you all had no teeth!" Sana's mom chimed in

"Yes I still see all the embarrassing photos of us on your Facebook ma!" She laughed

They continued all their conversations. Once done eating Sana, her mom, and her auntie cleared the table and cleaned the dining room and kitchen. The family played a couple rounds of uno, which Eijun cheated in, but the person who won the most was grandpa. Then around 10ish the family left to go home. Sana helped her parents by taking care of her brother by running a bath and putting him to bed. After that she went into her room to look at her phone

Instagram: kuromochi.yoi followed you!

"Oh how did he find my instagram?" She immediately follows him back then Sana looks at his page and sees his mutual following. "Oh so he is friends with Miyuki?!"  She stalks his account and looks at his posts.

 "Oh so he is friends with Miyuki?!"  She stalks his account and looks at his posts

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liked by miyuki.kazuya and others
kuromochi.yoi: this banana is fire tbh🔥

miyuki.kazuya: Bro really think that eating a banana is aesthetic⁉️😹
                                 kuromochi.yoi: die. jump off a cliff.


Tagged miyuki

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Tagged miyuki.kazuya
liked by miyuki.kazuya and others
kuromochi.yoi: chowing down with da bro 🔥🫱🏻‍🫲🏼

miyuki.kazuya: crazy how you're always flipping me off 😱⁉️
              kuromochi.yoi: to show my hate for you 🔥
kominato.ryosuke: where's the pic creds? 😒🤬
           ⇰kuromochi.yoi: thanks for the pics bro 🔥
zono.kenta: best meals are with da bros🔥🔥🔥
           kuromochi.yoi: 🔥🔥🔥


"He looks so good in these photos..." she blushed. While looking at the last one she was looking a little too much and accidentally liked the post.


It is now two in the morning and Sana is still thinking of what to text kuromochi about accidentally liking his post. Hoping that he is asleep and hasn't looked at his phone.


Hey so......
I accidentally liked your post on insta I swearrrr I wasn't
stalking or anything! Hope this does sound weird
but you looked really good in those photos  ! ;)


"Ugh this is enough for today I have to go to bed". Sana drifts off to sleep wondering on what he will reply to her text with .


Sorry I've just been a lazy ass so I haven't updated and plus I have like two books to read for homework 😔. So yea anyway I don't think I posted it but Sana birthday is 6/29
So yuh😼


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