black is king [ prologue ]

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ᴇɢʏᴘᴛ • 525 ʙᴄ

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ᴇɢʏᴘᴛ • 525 ʙᴄ


It was a beautiful sight to see. The entire kingdom crowded around outside of the Pharaoh's palace as they awaited for the newborn prince to be presented to the people of Egypt.

The Pharaoh, Aziz, stood before his people with his head held high and dominance reeking from his aura. He was the most respected and most loved by 90 percent of Egypt. Of course, the other 10 percent consisted of those who resided in the Badlands of the kingdom.

King Aziz loved all his people, no matter where they came from or where they were casted away to, due to their terrible and unkind nature. The feelings, however, were not mutual. And that was fine by Aziz, as long as they kept their unwelcomed intentions elsewhere.

The queen had finally made her presence known, taking a stance next to her king while she held their son in her hands. The beautiful baby boy was wrapped up in a comforting cloth that only royalty would recognize.

Aziz's guards signaled for the large crowd to bring their noise level down to complete silence, which they obeyed instantly. Aziz then gestured for the most powerful and wisest woman of the kingdom, Femi, to come forth.

The queen smiled and handed her child over to Femi. Femi happily cradled the infant, adoring his toothless smile, chubby round cheeks, and hazel coloured eyes. "He's so precious, Sarabi." She spoke lowly to her queen.

Femi brought the boy over to the side where a golden bowl was placed on stop of a golden stand. The bowl contained various ingredients of the Earth mixed in the blood of both Aziz and Sarabi. Femi shut her eyes while the guests consisting of hundreds of people watched her closely.

"May the gods of the sun, love, light, and life protect you, my dear prince. For no evil shall find you, haunt you, or destroy you. Son of Aziz and Sarabi, you will lead this kingdom many, many suns and moons from now. And you will be one of the greatest leaders they will ever know."

Femi dipped her right thumb into the bowl as the baby laid comfortably in her left arm. She slowly swiped the blood mixture across his forehead and turned to face the king's people.

"It is with great honour to present to you all..." Femi's voice became louder as she safely held the young boy out in front of her. "Prince Divine, son of the sun."

The crowd immediately bowed their heads as a response of respect and honour to finally meet their future leader.


On the outskirts of the king's palace, an aggravated Rakeem was standing outside of his home made up of mudbricks. He muttered a bunch of unpleasant words to himself as he struggled to get his front door open which was something he went through almost every single day.

"Stupid thing." He spat once he finally got it open. He was suddenly halted from going inside by a voice he immediately grew irritated by hearing.

"Master Rakeem."

Rakeem lowly grunted and turned to face Aziz's royal advisor, Horus.

"What do you want you witch." Rakeem snarled.

"For the last time, I'm not a witch." Horus excused Rakeem's tired insult. "I'm a deity."

Aziz and Horus worked so closely together, not only because of Horus' trustworthy nature, but because Horus was immortal. He existed before the people of Egypt, and will go on to exist until the world ends. He was a special god, a special deity. He brought healing, positivity, and guidance amongst the people and the royal palace.

"I don't care." Rakeem simply replied and attempted to enter his house, only to be stopped again.

"Aht, aht, aht... not so fast." Horus released a light chuckle. "The king wants to know why you weren't in attendance at Prince Divine's ceremony."

"Oh the prince. How could I forget?" Rakeem rolled his eyes with sarcasm laced in his tone and turned around to enter his home.

"Rakeem." He was stopped yet again by a voice that wasn't Horus' this time. He turned back around to face the king, who was now standing there with Horus by his side.

"Well, if it isn't 'your majesty'." A devilish smirk appeared across Rakeem's face.

Aziz just shook his head, ignoring the ignorance. "Why weren't you at your nephew's presentation ceremony today?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Because I didn't feel like it." Rakeem waved him off, turning on heels to go inside. He swung the door closed behind him, hoping it would make Aziz go away but only failed.

Aziz slapped the door open before it could fully shut and followed behind. "You are my brother, Rakeem. And this was a family event."

Rakeem shot him a look. "Family?" He dry chuckled. "We were no longer family after the people chose you instead of me to be king when father died."

Aziz sighed and rubbed down his face. "Seriously? That's what this is about? You're still crying over this, Rakeem? I've told you plenty of times to come stay with us at the palace. You could've been living graciously with us. You are my brother. You would be living just like a king had you not been so hardheaded."

"He's not even fit to be a king anyways. What's his problem?" Horus mumbled and looked in the opposite direction, avoiding eye contact with the brothers.

"Listen, brother. One day, it will be Divine who is going to take my place. He will be the next king. Are you going to have this attitude forever? Even when your nephew is the new leader?"

Rakeem's jaw clenched while his nose began to flare up. He started to feel the anger slowly rising within him and didn't want to hear anything else that was going to be said.

"Get out."


"I said get out. Now!"

Aziz gave his brother a stern look before glancing at Horus, gesturing him to follow him out of the house. Rakeem slammed the door once the duo made it out, causing Aziz to release a frustrating breath.

"What am I going to do with him?"


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