ghetto detention pt. 2 | multiple

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Sky Valley High School, California Saturday Detention April 9, 1994 1:30pm

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Sky Valley High School, California
Saturday Detention
April 9, 1994

Time was going by super slow during this detention. After Mr. Mac made his first round about 15 minutes ago, the students dispersed themselves in the library to go do their own thing.

Aaliyah and Brandy were seated on the floor at the back of the library gossiping, while Quik was laid out sleeping using Aaliyah's lap as a pillow.

Eazy, Lesane, Eiht, and Clifford were seated at a table playing a game of dominoes while Trina watched. Dalvin and Tionne were busy having a make out session. Joel, DeVanté, and Londyn were actually doing homework. Cedric was listening to music on his walkman and Kim was studying for an upcoming test while filing her nails.

"Yo." Cedric slid down his headphones to the back of his neck. "Wanna do something?" He asked Kim.

"Why would I wanna do anything with you?" She shot back without looking up from her nails.

Cedric smacked his lips. "Because I know you bored as hell. You not even readin' ya textbook." 

Kim slowly looked up at him and rolled her eyes. "Fine." She closed her textbook and put her nail filer back in her book bag. "What do you have in mind?" She asked and folded her arms on the table.

Cedric smirked and unzipped his bag, pulling out a container filled with pills.

Kim scrunched up her face. "Boy I am not doing no fucking drugs with you!" She whisper shouted.

"They not drugs, they my sleeping pills. My mama says I need these because I'm always hyper and can never go to sleep." He explained. Kim shrugged with a confused look. "Ok... so what we supposed to do with them?" She asked.

"I heard Mr. Mac got a UTI. He has to take meds for it. Ima go switch 'em out for these." Cedric snickered.

"Why?" Kim was still confused at whatever his plan was.

He got up from his seat and zipped up his bag. "Stop askin' questions and let's go before he comes back from lunch." And with that, Kim and Cedric went off to put Ced's plan into action.

Meanwhile, DeVanté was struggling with his Chemistry homework, the subject he had the most trouble in. He was stuck on the same question for the past 20 minutes and was pretty determined he wasn't going to pass the class at this point.

He glanced over at Londyn who was seated at the table next to his and noticed from her textbook that she was also working on her Chemistry homework. They were both in the same class so he decided to take this opportunity to ask her for help.

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