black is king || two

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Divine anxiously rushed to the backyard of the palace after learning about what the Badlands "really" consisted of. He needed to go see it for himself as soon as possible, and he knew the exact person who would want to see it just as bad as he did.

He followed the conversations and laughter coming from the area of the backyard where his mother and a few of her closest companions were seated while the palace servers pampered them. His eyes soon landed on the girl he was looking for, Oshun.

Oshun was the daughter of Sarabi's dearest friend since childhood, Cleo. Oshun was the only child out of all of Sarabi's friend's children who was the same age as Divine, which is why he spent so much time with her. The older kids always dismissed the duo every time they were around because of how young they were.

Divine quickly approached his friend who was currently in the middle of getting her long black hair groomed. "Hi, Divine." Oshun smiled and waved at him.

"Come on, I have to show you something."  He grabbed on to her wrist and pulled her from her seat.

"Wait, my hair's not finished!" Oshun stressed but was only ignored as Divine continued to drag her out of the backyard.

"Excuse me, Divine!" Sarabi quickly caught her son's attention, causing the two children to stop in their tracks and face her. She signaled her server to give her a second and got up from her seat to approach them. "Where do you think you're going? It's almost time for dinner."

Divine stood there, dumbfounded as he tried to come up with something to say. "I umm... I-"

"I'm going to show him my new pet monkey." Oshun jumped in with a quick excuse, instantly sensing that whatever Divine had to show her was something he wasn't supposed to be showing her.

Sarabi raised an eyebrow and turned her head to Oshun's mother, who just scoffed. "Don't ask. Her father got it for her yesterday. She hasn't been able to leave that thing alone since." Cleo shook her head.

Sarabi sighed and brought her focus back on the kids. "Fine, you can go."

Divine and Oshun spun on their heels without hesitation, ready to run out.
"Uh- hold on!" Sarabi stopped them once again.

"Horus is going with you." The queen gave a sly grin.

"Why? We're only going over to Oshun's." Divine whined. There was no way he was going to be able to make it over to the Badlands with his father's second in command watching over them.

"Because like I said, it's almost dinner time. And the only person who will get you back here on time is him." Sarabi stated.


Divine rolled his eyes while he and Oshun followed behind Horus. He couldn't let his entire plan to show Oshun all of the wonderous things Rakeem told him about go to shreds. He had to find a distraction to get Horus out the way, and he knew exactly how.

"So where are we really going?" Oshun whispered to Divine.

"To see magic." Divine lowly replied.

𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☽Where stories live. Discover now