black is king || one

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The young prince who now stood at 4'2 in height, used his tiny feet to hurriedly drag himself throughout the palace. He sported nothing but a reasonable length of the finest linen wrapped around his waist in a colour similar to the moon, stopping right above his knees. His tiny ears both held small hoop earrings made from the richest gold, along with a gold neck collar perfectly sized for a child his age, that shined ever so brightly on his shirtless upper body.

He smiled to himself once he found his way in front of the king and queen's bedroom. He slowly opened the door and eased his way into the room where his parents were still fast asleep. The light of the sunrise beamed through the window and sat wonderfully on the resting couple, sparking up their brown skin to glow as bright as the heavens.

Divine took a few steps over to the king's side of the full sized bed and tapped the shoulder of his guardian. "Father." He spoke just above a whisper.

When the king only responded with a light snore, Divine laughed and shook his father with a little more force. "Father, wake up!"

The king squirmed and groaned, flipping over to turn his back to his son. Divine frowned but he wouldn't let that expression last too long. His lips formed into a smirk and he instantly hopped on to the bed, jumping up and down in the space provided between his parents.

"Wake up, wake up! Rise and shine, your highness!" He exclaimed excitedly as he continued to jump. "You promised you would take me to explore the kingdom today. Well, today has arrived! Let's go!"

Queen Sarabi's petite frame shifted as she released a soft chuckle. "Your son wants you." She didn't even bother facing Aziz, knowing that he was definitely awake now from Divine's antics.

"Come on, fatherrrrr!" Divine dragged, finally plopping down on the bed with a pout on his face.

Aziz just laughed as he rose up from his slumber. "Alright, alright." He playfully mushed his child's head. "Just give me a few moments and we'll be on our way."

Divine didn't say another word but responded by happily hopping off the bed and exiting the room to wait for his father in the foyer of the palace.

Once the king had completed his daily morning routine and put himself together in a similar attire to his son's, but adding his royal headpiece to finish up the look, he and Divine made their way outside and into the king's horse-drawn chariot.

The chariot transported them to nearly every inch of the kingdom. The purpose of this journey was for the king to help the young prince understand what his role will be in this life when he grows and matures.

"This will all be yours one day, son. Everything." Aziz grinned while he admired the beauties of Egypt.

The male transporter guiding the horses, gestured for the two mammals to halt. Divine scanned his surroundings before looking back at his father. "I can't wait. I'm going to be the bestest ruler ever."

The king chuckled at his son's anxiousness. "You sure you can handle it?"

Divine instantly stood up in the chariot, with his head held high just like how his father's would be. "Of course!" He boasted. "And the greatest part of it all will be that I can do whatever I want." He proudly stated and sat back down.

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