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Brooklyn, New YorkK-Ci's HouseDecember 31, 19942:30pm

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Brooklyn, New York
K-Ci's House
December 31, 1994

"I should really fuck you up, Ced. You said he wasn't gonna be here!" Harmony shouted at K-Ci as they pulled up in his driveway.

"I know but just listen..." K-Ci turned off the engine and looked over at her. "He was gon' go back to Charlotte but then his mama said they was gon' stay at they Aunt Betty's crib for a few days for Christmas. You remember her right?" K-Ci gave a distasteful look.

"Oh my god.." Harmony fake gagged. "The auntie who smells like feet. How could anyone forget? Lawdhamercy." She scoffed and opened the passenger's door to get out of the car.

K-Ci hopped out from the driver's side and walked over to the drunk and popped it open. "Exactly. So him and Dalvin just decided to stay back last minute." He explained while retrieving Harmony's' bags. "I'm sorry I ain't tell you earlier. But you my best friend and I haven't seen you in fa'eva. I knew if I told you he was gon' be here, you wouldn't have came." K-Ci grabbed the last bag and closed the trunk.

In case you're wondering why Harmony isn't too fond of one of our beloved DeGrate brothers, it started out like this...

Harmony met the Hailey and DeGrate brothers back in high school. She grew extremely close to K-Ci due to his comedic nature and his ability to always put a smile on her face whenever she needed it. K-Ci would always bring her around the guys, and of course, Donald took a liking to her. They dated for two wonderful years, went to prom together and everything. And then boom...

Donald fucked it up.
But are we surprised?

When the boys formed Jodeci and set off on their journey to get signed at Uptown, Donald didn't even bother to say goodbye to her. He just dragged the boys with him and left. That was back in '89. It's now a couple of hours till '95, and they still haven't spoken.

K-Ci was the only one who stayed in contact with Harmony, since they are best friends. He knew how heart broken she was over Donald up and leaving like that, but she never wanted to speak to him no matter how hard K-Ci pushed for it. Donald on the other hand didn't even care, or so it seemed. Every time K-Ci would bring up her name, Donald would talk some shit 'bout "that was puppy love, man. That relationship wasn't serious. She'll be aight."


K-Ci knew it was the fame and all the women that came with it that was getting to Donald's big ass head. Harmony was really in love with Don, and probably still is after all these years. She was very supportive of his dreams and was happy to see him gain all that he has, but she just didn't understand why he did her dirty like that. She deserved a proper break up, at least. But he didn't even bother to give her that.

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