black is king || seven

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"So I decided to leave and look for help..." Oshun finished off explaining how and why she ended up all the way on this side of Egypt.

It took a minute for Divine to process the tragedy that the kingdom has become and how Rakeem was treating everyone, especially his mother. He was glad to hear that she was still alive and doing somewhat okay. But what was breaking his heart was the thought of his mother thinking he was dead this whole time.

Divine believed that the only reason his mother and everyone else didn't come searching for him was because they were truly upset with him for 'killing the king'. He thought he had been disowned like his uncle Rakeem made it seem.

"We're here. Welcome to our humble abode!" Cairo exclaimed as the group approached where Divine had been staying since he left home.

Oshun's eyes widened at how gorgeous the rainforest was. She was impressed with the way the men had really made a home out of this place. If it was this amazing in the dark, she wondered how it looked like when the sun was risen.

"You like it?" Divine asked Oshun and smiled as he noticed how intrigued she was with her surroundings.

"Yes, it's lovely out here."

Divine was so happy to have her here with him. She had grown into such a beautiful woman, just like how he imagined when his mind would wander off at times. The long black hair that once fell all the way down her back as a child, was now cut down to her shoulders. She was petite and short next to his tall figure. Her melanin skin was rich and glowing, and she had a smile that could warm even the evilest person's heart.

"Stay." Divine simply said, catching Oshun off guard.

"What?" She stopped walking and looked at him weirdly.

"Stay with us. It ain't- I mean, it's not crazy out here like it is back home. You don't gotta- you don't have to go back." He attempted to fix his vocabulary for her to understand.

"Wait a minute, Divine." Oshun took a step back. "I'm just finding out that you've been alive for all these years, I'm still in shock to say the least. And now you want me to just leave home for good and stay with you with the all the little birds and monkeys? I mean, it's nice and everything but I didn't come here for all of that. I came for an answer, something that will fix what's going on back in the kingdom. And now I found it. So you have to come back-"

"Aye! D, bring that girl over here so she can eat sum'n." Cairo interrupted and signaled the two friends to come over to the fire where there was still some leftover food.

They offered Horus and Oshun what they had available and sat around the fire, getting to know each other. Horus and Oshun caught on to Divine being uncomfortable with talking about his past, so they left out a good chunk of how they knew him. Cairo and Jabari had no idea he was a whole prince, and Divine wanted to keep it that way.

"I have a question now." Oshun glared at Cairo and Jabari curiously. "Why do you guys sound so strange? Like, the way you speak... and dress." She scrunched up her face at the brothers' and Divine's clothes.

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