Chapter 41

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A Lure

    "Where are you going?"

    I didn't spare a backward glance to Franco, though I did slow my pace enough to prevent shouting our conversation across the hall. "There is something I need to do."

    Taking the hint, he lowered his voice until our footsteps nearly swallowed up the sound, "You're going to see him, aren't you?" I didn't answer. He followed me up the stairs, "I'm coming with you."

    My lips pressed together into a line, but I held my tongue until the door to my foyer was closed behind us. "You can't come with me," I told him, voice containing all of the weariness of the past few days.

    He didn't move as I drew a violet bandana from the box it was hidden within, but I could feel his eyes following my movements. "And why not?"

    I sighed, finally slowing down enough to look at him, "Because one of us needs to stay behind to protect the castle."

    He huffed, but held further objections as he watched me throw open the window to secure the bandana outside. I turned to him, "I appreciate your discretion with my father, but this isn't the time to be foolish." I've done enough of that in recent months. "You will meet him, if that is what you truly wish, but it can't be today."

    "Alright," he grumbled. "How long will you be gone?"

    "Only an hour or two, I hope." Just long enough to find out if he knew anything about this cavern so many Blood Fangs were supposed to be gathered in. If it was as I feared, I could send a message to intercept my father before he walked into a trap. If it was as the council hoped, and the Blood Fangs had nothing sinister up their sleeves, then maybe we would steal a few more minutes to finish what we had begun the previous night before Franco interrupted us. I struggled to push the thought from my mind. "I just want to ask a few questions."

    He sighed and gave a reluctant nod, "Fine, but when you get back, I would like to speak with you again."

    I had no choice but to agree.


    I waited at the lake much longer than the couple of hours I had told Franco. At first I paced. Then, I tried to distract from my worry by skipping rocks. Eventually, I settled myself against the trunk of the willow, head leaned back, eyes closed as if thoughts and prayer alone could bring Angelo to me.

    But he never appeared.

    The sky had long since darkened, the bright colors of the sunset giving way to the stars and moon, when I finally rose from my position against the base of the tree. I couldn't wait any longer, and I had realized with increasing clarity that Angelo would not be joining me.

    I couldn't keep my mind from running through what his absence could mean, each possibility darker than the last. Was he in the cave my father was headed to? Was he injured? Dead? Had he decided to choose his family after all? Would I ever see him again?

    I kicked at rocks along my path as I made for the hole in the curtain wall, sending them skittering over roots and leaves. I was in no real hurry to return to the castle, and no mood to be interrogated by Franco once more. I had nothing new to say, regardless.

    All was quiet as I approached the wall and slipped inside. If all went well, by morning it would be bustling with guards and activity once again, but for the time being, the stillness had an eerie feel to it. Halfway to the enchanted garden, I noticed the sound of twigs snapping somewhere to the left, as if being broken by clumsy footsteps.

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