Chapter 39

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A Chance

    "What are you doing here?" I demanded in a hushed whisper the moment I had pulled him from earshot. I had been quick to accept his dance and drag him to the floor, far from where the nobles gathered.

    "What," he replied casually, as if he weren't in the presence of dozens of people who could have him executed by morning if they only knew who he was, "did you expect me not to attend your ball after you worked so hard on it?"

    I hadn't thought of a clever retort for that before he added, "And miss an opportunity to see you like this?" His eyes darted from my elegant gown to the diamond wreath at my brow. He reached up to tug on a ringlet of hair that dangled between us. "I wouldn't dream of it."

I snatched his hand away and returned it to my waist where it belonged with a reprimanding look that did nothing to stop his grip from tightening on my side. "Behave yourself," I chided. There were too many eyes here for such gestures, such familiarity. "How did you manage to sneak in, anyway?" Security should have been doubled.

"It was easy, really," he replied with a shrug, "I've been told I share a remarkable resemblance to the heir of the Asaro line." Then added, a touch smug, "And also that I'm an excellent actor."

I blinked up at him. Carmine. I had thought as much myself once, that they looked quite similar. I had shrugged it off as simply another effect of the mate bond, finding his features in every face I met. I hadn't ever considered the possibility of passing Angelo off as the Lord's son. It seemed absurd to think that it had worked.

"Nothing clever to say?" He asked, smirking at the dumbfounded look on my face. "That's rare."

I rolled my eyes. "It's a risky plan. I hope you have another alias to give to any noblemen you may meet tonight who know Carmine Asaro well enough to see through your ruse."

"Hmm," he mused, the dimples making an appearance in his cheeks, "I haven't quite decided, but I'm thinking I may be Giovanni Russo, heir to a pickle empire in Riese."

A laugh bubbled up in my throat. With a gentle pull on my waist, he drew me closer until our chests were nearly touching. I was reminded of the night we had danced at The Den, our bodies grinding together to the fast-paced beat of the music, not caring who was watching. My cheeks burned at the memory. "You'll be lucky if you make it through the night without being thrown in chains."

He grinned, his head dipping in my direction to get a closer look at my face, "Then it will have been worth it just for a glimpse of your beauty."

I leaned away from him, "I'm being serious, you need to be cautious."

"Careful, princess," he warned with a playful smile, "or, I might mistake that frown of yours for real worry."

"So what if it is?" I challenged, meeting his eyes. "Would you abandon this reckless scheme then, and leave the castle grounds before you're caught?"

He studied my face for a moment, and I began to wonder if I would get a response before the song ended. Finally, he sighed, "Alright, fine, I'll leave." The victorious smile hadn't had the chance to fully form on my lips before he continued, "but not until I've had a few more dances."

I shot an apprehensive glance around the room, "People will notice if I spend my whole night dancing with one man. As far as they know, I'm an unmated female. The gossips would have a field day."

He frowned at that, "Let them gossip."

"I can't," I said a bit more sternly, "the entire council is here."

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