Chapter 23

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**Only lightly edited, please point out any grammar/spelling mistakes you may run into **

A Hidden Note

"I'm telling you, it really was that easy," Machi, one of two men I recognized from the raid on Angelo's hideout in the capital, was telling Franco from across the table, "they were so confident that they wouldn't be caught that they were completely careless."

"Idiotic, if you ask me," Hawthorne agreed, "They still had all four of their steel mills running full throttle, even with a documented cut in production. It wasn't hard from there to spot the one building out of the four with different security clearance requirements, and even easier to take out the four guards standing watch outside, infiltrate and make our arrests."

"Mr. DiMaio saw the commotion and at least had the sense to attempt to shift and flee, but we had planned for that, and had men waiting in the trees. We were in and out in two hours tops, zero casualties, fifty arrests." Machi finished with a cocky smirk in Franco's direction.

Franco crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at the men suspiciously, "I still think you're exaggerating."

"Alright, alright," my father chimed in before anyone could add anything more, "we've strayed far from the topic, I think it's time to adjourn for today. We'll pick back up tomorrow morning." With a few grunts of approval, the council began rising from their seats. Hawthorne and Machi had been brought into the council meeting to give a full report on the Cazzico Mining Company raid the night before. It had started out formal and informative until Franco had scoffed, then it had turned into a full-blown testosterone fuelled bragging battle. It was wise for my father to end the meeting entirely, he wouldn't likely have ever been able to regain control otherwise.

I stood, following the flow of people as they exited into the hallway. Franco was nowhere to be seen, probably weary of the constant string of lies I've been throwing at him to avoid spending time together alone. It's probably for the best.

It didn't feel that way though.

I made my way to my rooms and changed from my dress quickly, pulling my hair from the elegant twist Ava had set it in after training and allowing it to flow in loose waves down my back. A strange sort of excitement filled me as I descended the stairs two at a time, feeling my bag bounce against my back with each loping step, and though I knew it was just my body and instincts reacting to the knowledge that I would soon be near Angelo and not any real enthusiasm from me, I couldn't keep the corners of my lips from tilting up.

I tried not to let my mood sour as I stepped onto the main floor, and spotted a familiar vampiric ambassador milling about. My pace sped up as I made a bee-line for the hallway that would lead me from the castle, sending up a silent prayer to the Goddess to escape unnoticed.

The Goddess, it seemed, had other plans in store for me. Footsteps approached from behind, and then Bernd Bruhn was sidling up to me, what might have been an attempt at a pleasant smile on his lips. "Princess Giuliana, what a rare find you are, even in your own home," he glanced down at the leggings and loose fitting shirt I was clothed in, shooting a distinctly derisive look at my dirty boots, "and what interesting attire."

I ignored the only partially veiled barb, not slowing my pace in the slightest, "I am a very busy woman. In fact, I'm heading to the church to pray as we speak."

"Ah, that is a very far walk, I shall accompany you and we'll speak on the way."

It was difficult not to roll my eyes. Instead, I pressed my lips firmly together to keep from insulting him, the smile long gone, and kept up my strides.

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