Chapter 36

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An Ambush

    A hand grasped my wrist and I swung at my attacker on instinct, not taking the time to see who was responsible.

    They avoided my panicked attack, and pinned my arms to my sides. "Giuliana, stop fighting me," Lance ordered, tone even despite the circumstances, "we have to get you out of here."

    At his familiar voice, I came to my senses, pulling my arms from his grip and looking at the wreckage around us. Soon, there could be Blood Fang members themselves to contend with and not just explosives. "People are injured," I told him, taking a step toward where the spectators had been standing only moments prior, "I need to help them."

    He tried to make a grab for my arm again to stop me, but I danced from his range, taking a few more steps before he caught up. "Your Highness," he pleaded, once again reaching in my direction.

    Dodging took minimal effort. "No," I snapped back with equal urgency in my tone, "I won't run away while people need help."

    "Princess, listen to me." Lance demanded in a strained tone I had never heard him use before. It gave me pause long enough for him to finally get a good grip on my arm. "Think about it, the enemy has only attacked humans thus far, correct?"

    I nodded reluctantly for him to go on, feeling each wasted moment as it passed like a physical pain.

    "The crowd was mixed, they won't take the time to weed out their victims in the chaos– I don't think that was ever their plan." He scanned our surroundings, as if a Blood Fang might leap from anywhere to attack. "I don't know if the intent here was to frighten you, or to harm you, but I think it is pretty clear that you are the only target."

    I stiffened, but attempted to shrug off his hand, "I don't care. I have to help."

    "Listen, damn it," he exclaimed, keeping a tight hold on my arm, "you're their only target. By staying to help, you're doing more harm than good. If you leave, they'll stop."

    I stopped fighting against his hold, and his shoulders dipped in relief, "Do you understand why you have to go? The people here are going to get help, but they won't be safe until you're gone."

    I felt the air rush out of me in defeat. He continued to glance warily around as he led me back to the transport, but the tension didn't leave his body, even after the vehicle began moving.

    Despite his words, I couldn't help but feel cowardly as the plumes of smoke grew smaller and smaller in the distance. I wondered if this would be the turning point in the council's decision, what I would be remembered by after my sibling took the throne.

The princess who ran.

    I'd had no choice, but would it matter?

    Across from me, Lance still cast worried glances as the last houses of the city gave way to the forest. Waiting for an ambush, no doubt.

    I knew I should have been shaking in my seat, having just narrowly escaped being blown to bits, with no guarantee that the enemy wouldn't reappear to finish what they started. But, I couldn't summon the fear. All sense of it had left me the moment the first explosion rocked into my body, replaced by an eerie numbness.

    I stared blankly at the trees as they passed, replaying what had happened in my head. Angelo had told me once that his fathers men wouldn't harm me. He thought that since I could change form like a full-blooded shifter, that the human blood running through my veins wouldn't matter.

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