Chapter 45

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A Scene

    The infirmary was the one place in the entire castle that felt completely foreign to me. Until the birth of my brother, I'd never once had the need to step foot in the cold rooms with their smell of cleaning chemicals and strange, beeping machines.

    Angelo's unmoving form on the bed before me was even more foreign, still. There was no hint of a teasing smile pulling at his lips. They were parted slightly, the soft sound of his breathing nowhere near as sweet as his mischievous snickers, but I was happy for it all the same. The two of us were alone in the private room he had been assigned, though I was certain that guards were posted just outside the door.

I had to refrain from brushing the golden curls from his brow. I had done it countless times over the long hours, restless fingers smoothing the hair back, just for it to fall again within minutes. He said he loves me. I hadn't had the chance to say it back.

    The door creaked open behind me, but I didn't lift my gaze, not even when the servant spoke, repeating the same line I had heard before, "Your Highness, your father, The King, asks that you join him in his office at once."

    "I have already informed my father many times that I will not be leaving this room until my mate is awake." I had been assured over and over that that he would be perfectly fine, given time to heal. Only a little bit of the wolfsbane had made its way into his bloodstream. With assistance from the Healers, he was on his way to a full recovery. But I needed to see it for myself that he was alright, to look into his eyes and feel his touch. There was so much blood... I saw it fresh each time I closed my eyes.

    The servant cleared his throat in discomfort, "I was told that I'm not to accept that answer."

    Finally, I dragged my gaze from Angelo, twisting in my seat to glare daggers at the man. Man seemed the wrong word for him, he was barely more than a boy and, as he met my stare, I could hear the poor child's heart rate accelerate. He turned scarlet, from freckled cheeks to the tip of his ears. I arched a brow, "Will you be the one to force me out, then?"

    He choked on a startled intake of air. "I– well, no," he stuttered, "it's just– your father, he– "

    I silenced him with a raised hand. "You have my answer. You'll need to take me out by force, or I'm not leaving until he wakes." I spun back to study Angelo, looking for any sign of change. I wanted to be there when he woke, to ease any fear or confusion he might feel. A friendly face among so many who had once been his enemies. I wasn't sure what they were to him now, or where he stood with our people. That would probably be discussed in the meeting that my father was trying so hard to have with me.

I just need a little more time...

    He would wake soon, I was sure of it. Then, when I knew for certain that he really was alright, I would face my fate. Be glad, even, to plead my case and be done with it, for better or worse. I was so tired of the lies and sneaking around. So  very tired... My eyes nearly drifted closed of their own will before the door slammed open once again.

    I was still sitting in the same position beside the bed. This time, multiple sets of footsteps rushed in. I shot to my feet and evaded the hand that grabbed for my arm.

    I cursed under my breath. My father had chosen to take me by force. I knew it was coming, but some part of me had hoped that he would choose to allow me this one small mercy before I would have to face the consequences of my deceit.

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