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Black smoke swirled all around me as whispers of my own haunting laughter hit my eardrums. My bare feet were slapping against the cool stones floors of the castle dungeons. I whipped my head back and saw Aidan chasing after me laughing with a hungry look in his eyes and a sinister smile that made me weak in the knees.

I slowed my pace down and let him catch up to me. It was like letting the mouse get devoured by the cat. I let him think he was the one in control as he grabbed me by the neck and threw me up against the wall. I gasped and bit my lip as a sharp pain went through my body as he pinned me there. The pain turned to pleasure when Aidan's fingers drifted lower and he replaced his hands with his lips on my neck.

I liked sneaking around Hogwarts like this. It was fun.

My eyes fluttered shut as he ground his hips against mine and I let out a quiet moan. I heard a cough that made me freeze. My eyes shot open and looked for the culprit while Aidan continued what he was doing. My eyes met two cold, grey ones for a split-second before he took off in the other direction.

"Just ignore him." Aidan breathed into my ear before he nibbled at the lobe, "Everyone else does these days."

I rolled my eyes and pulled his wand out of his pocket while he was distracted by my body. "Stupefy." I muttered.

Aidan flew backwards and hit the opposite wall. I stepped over his limp body, dropping his wand with a clatter by his side, and followed after the blond. My feet padded quietly across the floors as we weaved through the castle. I followed Draco Malfoy. It felt like an eternity had passed until he stopped at a bare wall.

A door suddenly appeared and he crept inside. I slipped in right behind him before the door disappeared, ready to confront him.

"Didn't your Mummy ever tell you it was rude to spy on people, Malfoy?" I sneered.

Draco jumped and looked at me with wide eyes. He stiffened and sneered back twice as menacingly, "How did you get in here?"

"I followed you." I said simply. I stood up straight, challenging him.

Draco's eyes darkened, "You shouldn't have done that."

"Why not?" I took a step forward and laughed, "Are you working on your precious little task for The Dark Lord?"

Draco rushed forward and twisted my arm making me wince in pain. He let go and pulled up the sleeve of his shirt revealing the dark mark in the same place he had gripped my own arm tightly. I stared at it incredulously. I had heard rumors. My father told me Draco had taken the mark.

"Just wait until Christmas break." He sneered, "I heard you're next."

Black smoke swirled around me once again. The next thing I knew I was staring at the ceiling of the Malfoy Manor with tears streaming down my face. Bellatrix's cackle filled the room and cut through my eardrums. "She's weak, my Lord. The pathetic bitch fainted. No one has ever fainted before. You should just kill her."

A snake-like face peered down at me. I studied his features, blinking away lingering tears as he studied me back. He grinned revealing his pointed teeth that shone venomously in the moonlight that streamed through the tall windows. "Her father did not train her well, Bellatrix. She will learn her place."

I blinked again as the pair walked away leaving me on the floor with a searing pain in my arm while the rest of the Death Eaters trailed behind.

All but one.

Draco's grey eyes found my own as he peered over me, just as Voldemort had moments before. His expression was vacant. He was void of all emotions. Malfoy held out his hand for me to take and I grabbed it and he pulled me to my feet. I felt woozy, but I could stand on my own.

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