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By the time I was finished with Aidan, the sun was beginning to rise over the horizon. There was no point getting to sleep anymore. The day had already begun, and I would simply have to go along. Draco was still fast asleep when I walked back into the room as his soft snores tickled my ears. The sound had become a constant comfort in my life. It always put me more at ease. The floor creaked beneath my feet as I tiptoed into the bathroom to run the shower.

The roaring sound of running water reverberated over the tiles as I began to undress. I stripped out of my clothes and discarded them in a heap on the floor. Stepping into the walk-in shower, I let the scalding water burn my skin as the steam enveloped me into a spectral embrace. I wanted to wash away the last few hours, but the confrontation with Aidan felt stuck to my skin like a bad tattoo.

"Where did you go last night?" Draco's voice echoed off the marbled walls, startling me.

I wiped the condensation from the glass and stared back at him on the other side. I still didn't know how to tell him what happened. I needed more time.

"I couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk."

It wasn't an outright lie. It was merely a half-truth. But when you're two halves of a whole, it was a surprise he didn't see right through me.

"You were gone a long time." He noted as he observed me carefully. His words were calm, and calculated. Even through the fogged glass I could see the doubt in his eyes as they followed my every movement. I guess he wasn't as sound of a sleeper as I had once thought. He knew more than he let on.

"A surprising number of people were awake in the middle of the night, actually. I kept running into them." I told him as I started to lather my body with soap to distract myself from his piercing gaze. "Did you know about Blaise and Luna?"

"Only since I was sixteen years old." Draco snorted. I watched as his hazy silhouette pulled off his shirt and began to ease out of his pants. He continued to speak while he finished undressing, "The thing that surprises me is that Lovegood is actually entertaining it. Maybe she is Looney."

I scowled as Draco stepped into the shower with me. The puddled water splashed underneath his feet, "Blaise is a catch. Luna may be a bit eccentric, but I can see why he likes her."

"You know, I don't think I really want to talk about Zabini anymore." Draco's voice came out low and thick as he lightly brushed past me to stand under the running water. He closed his eyes and submerged his head in the warm stream emitting from the shower head. His once soft, white blond hair turned golden and matted, hanging in his eyes as it got wet.

With his eyes still shut, he reached for the bottle of shampoo from the ledge where it was always perched. He squeezed the liquid onto his hands and lathered them together into a rich foam before he opened his eyes to look at me again while he ran his hands through his hair.

A shiver went down my spine. It made my nipples harden as I was caught by a wave of cold air. Draco blocked most of the continuous spray of the water with his broad body leaving me there to shudder as I waited patiently for him to move. Draco couldn't tear his eyes away from me and I blushed at the moment of vulnerability.

"Since when are you so shy, Dolohov?" He mocked me playfully, "Get over here." He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me close as brought his lips to mine. His cock was already half hard, and now pushing against me. I could feel the heat from his erection against my lower stomach and his touch instantly warmed me up again, all the way to my center.

Water rained down on us like we were caught in a storm. The water droplets dripped down our skin as the soap washed away, and the suds circled the drain. I practically felt like I was drowning as we kissed, but I didn't care. We continued making out underneath the water as it cascaded around us just like the waterfall hidden away on the far end of the property.

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