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The enemy of my enemy is my friend, the old adage goes. At one point in time, I had thought that there was no one in this world that Ron Weasley hated more than Draco Malfoy. It turns out that I could never have been more wrong. If you can find common ground by hating someone else, any unlikely duo can become the best of friends, which is exactly what happened to Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley.

And it was all thanks to Viktor Krum.

Ron and Draco had been friends now for about a week, and it had been driving everyone else around them mad, myself included. They brought out the absolute worst in each other all because they couldn't stand the attention that Viktor Krum was attracting.

They were acting worse than teenage girls, and having been a teenage girl myself not too long ago, I knew just how rotten they could be.

"I have had it up to here with Ronald!" Hermione huffed as she sat down next to me at breakfast. Her hair seemed to frizz out even more when she was frustrated. A few people looked over at us curiously, but said nothing.

The house was so full of people now that Dipsy and the other house elves had resorted to a smaller version of the Hogwarts setup for meals. Food would appear in the center of the tables and we would all graze happily.

I watched as Hermione filled her plate with food and nodded my head in agreement, "I know what you mean. Malfoy has been the same way all week. I think the constant ferret jokes started again by Krum have really gotten to him. It's funny though, the more people that show up here to marvel at Krum, the worse the two of them get."

"Really, who would have thought Ron and Draco would become friends like this. And so quickly, too! Thank Merlin they were never friends in school. Could you even imagine?" Hermione laughed. "They would be insufferable."

"No. Let's not even go there." I shook my head. "I don't even want to think about it. It's enough to make me lose my appetite."

"Good morning ladies!" Viktor's booming voice came from the doors out to the veranda. I looked up to see his shirtless, perfectly chiseled stomach glistening with sweat as he wiped his face off with his shirt. He had just come back from his morning run around the entire property.

"Save me some seat?" He asked as he walked past, "I vill be back after quick shower."

"Sure, Vik." Hermione squeaked as she gawked at him.

I gave her a pointed look as more people began to arrive in the dining room to eat breakfast. "Is there still something going on there, Hermione? Does Ron actually have a reason to worry?"

"No." Hermione scowled. She sounded very sure of herself, "It's always been Ron, and Ron knows that. It's just..." She paused. It wasn't very often that she was at a loss for words, "Viktor was a lot of firsts for me... not all of them, but a lot... and the history there makes me really nervous around him."

"Well he still burns a candle for you. Very brightly, might I add." I warned her with a smirk.

"I know." She sighed, sounding exasperated. Her curls shook wildly, "I love having him as a friend. He's kind of like a puppy dog if that makes sense. But there's only so many times I can explain to one person that I only have eyes for Ron Weasley."

"Morning Doll! Hey Mione." Imani said as she walked over, "Mind if I join you?"

"Sure." I pointed to the empty chair next to me, "Just don't take the seat next to Hermione. It's already spoken for."

"Oh, for Ron?" She smiled as she added fruit to her bowl.

"No, Krum asked already." I laughed. "Ron has yet to make his first appearance of the day."

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