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The wind whipped my hair in my face, nearly blinding me as I gripped the back of the dragon. I had gotten the hang of flying over the past two years. There was nothing more freeing than being in the clouds. I think I understood my mother a lot more now after inheriting her Dragon Sanctuary. I felt more at home here than I had imagined was possible.

I could see the small cottage coming into view. A bright blond head of hair stood out to me on the ground below. I could tell by his body language that he was growing impatient.

"Alright! That's enough, Roman!" I shouted. The dragon huffed in disappointment, but began his descent. We landed in the empty field and Draco walked over to Roman's side to help me down. His slender hand held onto mine and didn't let go even once my feet were firmly planted on the ground.

"Are you ready to leave yet?" He asked as the dragon took off into the air once again. The look in his eyes made it clear that he was tired of being here. We spent half our time in Romania, and half back in London most of the time these days, but lately Draco seemed distant like he didn't want to be here at all.

"You said we could stay another week." I pouted playfully before giving him a quick kiss hello.

"That was two weeks ago. I've already had to reschedule with my mother three times." He complained. He was right. I kept prolonging our trip because I wasn't ready to leave. I had quickly fallen in love with Romania and it was increasingly harder to leave every time we came back. I could see why the Weasleys hardly ever saw Charlie.

"What if you just go back this time, and send Narcissa my love." I suggested. "I'll go back to London the next trip."

Draco rolled his eyes and sighed, "Aurora you promised. And besides, she wants to see you."

I opened my mouth to protest but the sound of children squealing had us both looking towards the house.

"Oncle!" Victoire Weasley shouted as she came barreling towards us. Her younger sister, Dominique, tried her best to keep up but had fallen behind.

Draco laughed and picked the girl up, "You're getting too big for me to keep doing this, Weaslette. How old are you now?"

"Cinq!" She smiled proudly as she held up five fingers. Her blonde curls had a strawberry hue in the sunlight. She still looked at Draco with the same adoration in her eyes, just as she had when she first saw him. I could feel my heart melting just watching them.

Dominique finally caught up and held her arms out asking me to pick her up. "Tante!" She cried. I laughed and swung her around as I lifted the little girl up.

"Did you two apparate here all by yourself?" I asked the two with a wink.

"No!" Victoire giggled in Draco's arms. She leaned her head on his shoulder and smiled, "Mama and Papa are inside with Charlie."

"Well let's go say hi then." Draco raised a brow. He nodded at me to follow him into the house.

Fleur looked delighted as soon as we opened the door and walked inside. "Let me see!" She shouted. She crossed the room to me and grabbed at my hands. I felt my heart start to race as I set Dominique down.

"See what exactly?" I looked around and Charlie and Bill were smirking, but Draco looked like he might be sick.

"What are you all doing here?" Draco interrupted. He seemed a bit annoyed, but no more so than usual.

Fleur gave Draco a coy smile, "Can't a woman and 'er family come visit 'er brother-in-law and friends for ze weekend?"

"We were just leaving to head back to England, unfortunately." Draco set Victoire down. She pouted and stayed by his side. "We won't be able to visit with you for much longer than a few minutes."

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