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I always wondered what my mother was like. I dreamt about what kind of adventures she was having out there in the world on her own. She was the main character in the storybook of my imagination that often ran wild. Despite all of that, I always had this gnawing wish deep down inside me that she always wanted to come back to me and save me from the life I was forced into.

Over time those thoughts waned as I had my own looming problems to deal with. I grew up, got older and even forgot all about those wild adventures in my head, yet the longing still sat deep down inside me no matter how much I tried to suppress it.

But now that she stood in front of me here for the very first time, instead of relief or elation I just felt angry.

She was here in Romania living a perfectly happy life without me. All this time, and she had been hiding away with a Weasley of all people. As much as I had grown to be fond of the Weasley family over the past few years, that still stung. How many of them had looked me in my face and known the entire time? Was Charlie keeping this a secret from all of them too?

I felt like a fool.

"Hi Mum." The words felt slick sliding off my tongue as I stared at her in complete disbelief.

She smiled softly at me and the wrinkles around her eyes became more pronounced. She never aged a day in my dreams. That was probably the most jarring part.

"Aurora, you look well."

I could feel the anger deep inside of me bubbling to the surface. I was ready to burst. That's all she has to say? Nearly my entire life was spent without the woman and that's all she can think to say to her only daughter.

"I've been better, actually." I deadpanned. "You look... old."

My mother threw her head back and laughed and I felt like I was watching myself in a strange mirror that looked deep into the future. I swallowed hard as my throat tightened up, and I hoped that one day if I had a daughter of my own I wouldn't be standing opposite her like this.

"There's one thing we cannot run away from in this life my dear, and it is getting older." She mused. "But I've been very fortunate that I have fared better than most."

"Yeah, well you know all about running away." The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. I turned around quickly and bumped into Draco who put his arm around me. I was so embarrassed and hurt. "I'm ready to leave." I said quietly into his chest as my hands began to shake from the nerves.

Draco nodded and squeezed my elbow before speaking up for the both of us, "We don't really intend on staying long. We just need the box we've already discussed and we'll be on our way. Weasley said it's here?"

"Ah, the jewelry box!" My mum smiled widely as if she had just remembered it existed. She looked over to where it sat on the table just like in the picture we had seen. "Fickle little thing. I'm afraid that I'm the only one able to open it, just like with Aurora's. They're two of a kind, and the enchantments are not easily broken, I'm afraid. So if you want what's inside, I am certain you'll have to wait for it to show up again, too."

"We kind of figured as much." Draco said. He sounded restrained like he was holding back a verbal attack. I almost wished he would say something.

"They were designed to send notes back and forth undetected, but ours are old and a little broken." My mum explained sheepishly, "I guess I never got around to using it myself as intended. Dragons keep a woman very busy, you know."

She laughed as if she was the only one in on her own private joke. My heart sank and I turned around to face her again, but I refused to make eye contact. I looked up at Draco instead. I noticed he was grinding his teeth. He seemed absolutely furious with her, even more so than I was.

NUMB WITHOUT YOU | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now