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The walk back towards the Manor was loud. It was as if all the woodland creatures had awakened to celebrate in our victory. The song of triumph was a bird call of spring. It wasn't until we had made it out of the woods that we could see the rest of the aftermath. The dead collection had begun, and the toll was heavy.

There was always a debt to be collected when wars were waged, and it was paid for in lives lost on both sides.

I looked up at Draco with worry in my eyes, and he gave my hand a supportive squeeze as we walked slowly back through the grassy field.

Aurors were everywhere, but they were paying us no mind at all. It looked like the entire Magical Law Enforcement department had finally shown up to help us. They were taking statements and apprehending surrendered Death Eaters every direction I could see. I could see Adrian Pucey being shoved into the back of a charmed muggle truck they were using for detainment purposes.

We kept walking silently through the crowd. I could see Goyle being apprehended by Mordecai Berrycloth, the same Auror who took me in all those years ago.

"You'll pay for this you fucking bitch." Goyle spat at me when they walked past.

"I'll be sure to come visit you in Azkaban." I smirked, "Maybe if you're lucky you'll get to join the rehabilitation program." I couldn't help but to laugh, "Oh, sorry. That's only for first-time offenders, not those with repeat convictions."

Goyle tried to lunge at me, but Berrycloth held him back. "Quit moving before I have to stupefy you." He barked at the boy.

Draco looked to Berrycloth with concern, "My father is still in the wine cellar. Did anyone apprehend him?"

Berrycloth shook his head. He seemed a bit puzzled, "We checked the cellar and it was empty. There were no signs of Lucius anywhere in the Manor."

Draco looked deflated as he nodded, "Right. Thanks anyway."

He held on to my arm and pulled me along as we walked in separate directions.

"Where do you think he went?" I asked. The thought of Lucius escaping made me worry.

"He likely went into hiding like the coward he is." Draco scoffed, "As long as he doesn't try to show his face around here ever again..." Draco trailed off and his eyes darkened. He shook his head and smiled softly, "Good riddance."

We kept walking past all the familiar faces. Most people looked at calm and at peace. The fight was over and they could all relax.

"There's Blaise." I pointed in his direction and we headed to see him where he was standing with Luna and Pansy. Blaise had his arm draped over Luna's shoulder as they all looked down towards the ground. Pansy seemed upset. My eyes drifted downward to see Theo laying on the ground barely moving.

Theo's eyes fluttered open and met mine immediately, "Rory, thank Merlin you're here." He croaked. "You've come to say goodbye to me on my death bed."

I looked up at Blaise and Pansy whose concern had turned to the grim look of annoyance.

"He's fine." Pansy sighed. The hint of a smile was playing at the corner of her lips, "He's just being a bit dramatic. He might have to have a few bones regrown, but it's nothing worse than his quidditch injuries used to be."

"I'm dying." Theo wailed and clutched at his arm with his good hand, "I'm dying, and you're all abandoning me. You're feeding me to the wolves! Pansy, if you move on from me I'll haunt you, just know that."

"It's only your arm that's hurt. You can stand up, you know." Blaise sounded slightly amused, but he was still rather annoyed by his best friend's dramatics.

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