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"DEAD END!!!" I exclaimed out of frustration as I take a look at all evidences that we have gathered.

Gaven shook her head as she scroll through her laptop, "Why is everything leading us to either dead people or people who are alive and then eventually get killed???"

We found out that one of Victor's bodyguard was also killed when we were supposed to arrest him. People are also coming for the suspects and this mission is getting nowhere.

Harper took a deep breath and said, "Something is really wrong. I just know it."

"Max, keep your eyes on the boys. I think the people behind this are into something bigger." Keith instructed me.

I believe she's right. The people behind this are so great in covering up their trails and I know that they are going to do something massive, they're just waiting for the opportunity and perfect timing.

"Can someone be my back up while looking after them? I don't want to be suspicious around them." I asked.

Louis is very observant of me. He knows when I'm thinking about something, and if something weird happened around them, it'll be hard for me to look out for it. Louis would definitely know if I'm up to something.

I look at the girls and saw how tired they are, we all are. We are having sleepless nights and it's not worth it.

Clay nodded, "She's right. At least one of us should back her up."

"I'll do it." Harper volunteered. "Give me your whereabouts and I'll be there."

I brushed my hair out of frustrations because every files, footage, documents we have are all loose ends. It's starting not to make sense.

Whenever we thought we are heading somewhere, it's always leading us nowhere. Why does this keep on happening to this mission?

"You going somewhere later?" Gaven asked as she lay down on the bed. I bet she's tired of all of these.

Well, we all are. We haven't slept a wink, eaten anything, and we still got nothing!

I nodded, "Louis wants to meet up."

As much as I want to cancel our date, I can't. I love Louis and I love spending time with him, it's just that I badly want everything to end. This mission is so exhausting, emotionally.

"You go to him." Clay told me as she held both my hands. She gave me a reassuring smile. I know she knows how I feel. We all want this to be over.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Keith went to us and hugged me, "It'll be over soon. I just know it."

Then Harper and Gaven hugged us as well. I am so glad that my girls always has my back. They are simply the best. I wouldn't know what I'd do without them.


"So, what are you up to for your birthday?" Zayn asked me while munching his pancake that Harry made.

I just got up and they were all gathering inside the kitchen. Wow. Birthday? I never thought about it. I do not know what am I up to.

I shrugged, "I don't know. Simple dinner with you guys? Some drinks, ya know, the usual. Except that I want Paige to be there."

Ever since Paige became my girlfriend, I always want her to be part of my daily activities and especially special occasions. I want her in simple or extravagant gatherings, I just want her to be with me always.

"Simple party then." Harry smirked.

I glared at him because I know he's thinking of something I am not approving. "What now, Styles?"

"Nothing!" He exclaimed and they both chuckled.

"Don't give me something huge. I have plans in my mind."

Zayn nudged me, "Is that plan of yours involves a special someone?"

I nodded and they both smile sheepishly. Well, I want to spend my birthday with Paige. It is my first birthday with her and yet I feel like I've spend forever with her.

The boys and I are busy chatting when an unknown number ringed my phone. I'm being doubtful about answering the call because of the recent phone call I received telling me weird stuff about Paige..


"You must escape her before anything bad happens to you and your friends."

I was about to say something but then she ended up the phone call. It was the same woman who called me before. Is she pertaining to Paige again? This is really getting weirder. I think I have to change my phone number again.

"Who was that?" Zayn asked me. "Are you okay, mate?"

I looked at the boys and they all looked worried. Guess there is no need for hiding.

I took a deep breath and told them about the two phone calls I have received, and how it bothered me because I think she's talking about Paige.

"You trust her, right?" Harry asked me. All the lads are looking serious right now, this is unusual. But I love how they got my back always.

I nodded, "I do. I really do."

"It's as if you are not getting used to people ruining our relationship with our girls. Some people will do everything just to cross the line." Liam advised me.

Well, he is right. Some people are really doing stuff to ruin our relationships or push us to our limits until we all get mad and blame it on us.

"You're right. I never should've doubted her." Now, I feel terrible about feeling this way towards my girl. She is very mysterious but she never gave me any reason to doubt her.

"It's okay, lad. We've all been there. You just have to be strong if you wanna keep her, and I know you do. We all do." Niall pointed at all of them and they all gave me reassuring smile.

Okay, no point in doubting her. This is settled. No matter what other people tell me, I will not believe them, unless Paige confirmed it herself.

"Hey, love." A very beautiful voice was heard inside the living room. "You boys are looking weird. What is up with you?"

She sat beside me and I put my hands around her waist. She just chuckled at peck a kiss on my lips.

"Hey oh oh!"


"What is up with you?"


The boys all exclaimed together. Paige and I just laughed it off. Shiiiiz. What is wrong with them? Is it the first time to see people who are deeply in love with each other?

"Hey! My girlfriend just missed me, you have to deal with that." I told them and I stuck my tongue out.

Zayn sat next to Paige and pulled her away from me, "Well, I missed her as well. Can I hug her?"

What? NOOOO! I'm gonna kill you Malik!!!!

I glared at him and slowly pushed Paige to me, he gave me a weird grin and everyone laughed at his reaction. No one dares to touch my Paige.

"SHE'S MINE!!!!" I screamed.

Paige looked at me and kissed me again, "I'm always yours." She whispered in my ears and that gave me goosebumps.

How could I doubt her? She's just precious! She might be a close book but little by little, she's opening herself to me. I might just wait for a more time before she completely opens herself up. No pressure.

I know that right now we are both in love and happy. I know it. If she's hiding something, I know she'll tell me sooner or later.

I just have to wait for that right moment.

SPIES UP YOUR WORLD (Louis Tomlinson // One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now