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"I'm so glad you're safe." I told Derek as soon he opened the door. I jumped on to him and gave him a huge hug.

"Did they buy it?" He asked me. I nodded at him slowly and slapped him. "What was that for?"

"You scared the heck out of me!!!" I exclaimed.

"Well, it must sound believable because what I found is very interesting. And oh, I hope you don't mind me hacking your surveillance camera in your hotel room, it's for your safety." He casually said and just shrugged.

"I don't mind at all."

"You know, we risked our lives here. It's hard to get those information and to hack those people's computer! Good thing someone helped me."

When he said that, someone suddenly hugged me from behind and when I faced who that person is, my heart fluttered so hard.


"Maxie! I missed you!!!" She exclaimed. I hugged her so tight and the two of us are sobbing so hard.

"Don't ever leave us like that again!" She said as she caressed my hair.

I pouted and answered, "As if I had a choice."

"And why didn't you tell me about the thing with Derek?" Her voice suddenly changed into a mad voice! Uh-oh!

I gave her a very cute smile and said, "Well, I didn't want Miranda to find out."

"Valid. Now, let's start!"

"Wait! Does the other girls know?" I asked her.

She slowly shook her head. Good thing she didn't tell anyone. I don't want more people getting involved in this mess I made.

"So, you know the blood and saliva samples you gave me? They all have same foreign bacterias. And that's what they killed them. If you suspected an inside job, yes, you are right." He told me. "And the bacteria came from a poison that has specific components that cannot be bought in usual places."

"Uh huh."

"So, we investigate and track all the suppliers of the different components and found out that different people are availing them,  and all of those people have something in common." He smirked at me. "Your ex boyfriend."

"Louis?" I asked confusingly. Huh? What? I'm confused.

They both chuckled and Gaven smacked my head. I glared at her and she said, "No, dumbass. Orren."

"What? Orren? What does he want to to the boys?"

"That's what we want to know as well, and to find out who his person is at The Camp.

"I'm doing a private investigation. Are you guys in?" I asked them.

They looked at each other and gave me weird smile. "I'm in!" They said in unison.

"But, we can't do this by ourselves." Gaven told me. "We have to tell the other girls. You know you can trust them."

Well, she's right. We have to ask help from them. If I wanna solve this mission, I have to get them involved now. This sucks! I can't make up my mind. Awhile ago, I don't want them to get involved, and now I do!


"Bitch! I missed you!!!" Clay told me as soon as she saw me sitting on the bed. One by one, the girls came and we formed in to a group hug.

"When did you arrive?" Harper asked me.

"Awhile ago. I missed you all so much!" And we formed again in to a hug. It feels good to be with my girls again. I never thought this could happen again.

"So, mind telling us why you want to meet here?" Keith asked me.

And that's when I told them everything.

"Orren, that son of a bitch!!!" Clay shouted. "Why does that asshole always makes are lives miserable!"

"I know! All I want is to locked him up in our prison forever!!!!" Harper added.

They're right! That bastard always make our mission harder! And the way he thinks is unusual and unpredictable! I freaking hate it.

They are all busy talking and planning when I realized that there is something I haven't told them yet...

"Guys, there's something I want to tell you." I think they all have the right to know this. I owe them this one. They all looked at me, waiting for my next words. "I'm pregnant with Louis' baby." I said almost whispering.

All their faces are shocked. Their eyes are so wide and their mouth are opened.

No one said a thing for about two and a half minutes and it's freaking me out.

I looked at Derek whom I am expecting to be calm but seems like he's shocked as well.

"Say something." I demanded them.

Suddenly, all of them hugged me so tight! "Pregnant lady can't breathe!!!" I shouted.

"Oops! Sorry!" Keith said and made a peace sign. Shiz. This strong women really do not know who to control their strength!

"Does Louis know?" Derek held my hand and asked me.

I shook my head and said, "No. And I don't think he'll ever find out."

"But you have to tell him! He's the father of the baby." Harper scolded me.

"He has every right to know." Clay added.

They are right. But, "He hates me, that's a fact. I left him without any reason."

"He'll surely understand you, Max. We all know how much he loves you." Gaven said.

I sighed. "Guess I have to tell him once we catch Orren. I can't tell him now. It's too complicated."

"And if ever Louis doesn't have anything to do with you and the baby, I'm here for you." Derek said. We all looked at him confusingly and then he stuttered. "We. We are here for you. All of us." He said pointing at the other girls.

"He's right. We're here." Gaven said and hugged me.

I'm so glad that all my friends are here for me, they all never left me since day one and I'm grateful for that. My kid is gonna be lucky for his or her godparents.

"Two things left to do! Arresting Orren and telling Louis the truth." Harper told us.

Yep! We're getting closer to accomplishing this mission and I can't wait to have a normal life. I've decided to just be a regular parent after this mission, I know Miranda and my girls would understand.

We all set a plan for catching Orren. We found out that he'll be in a hotel in Las Vegas for a week for some 'business meeting'.

So, we all have tasks to do. Derek and Gaven at the truck watching the surveillance camera, us girls will undercover.

This is gonna be great.

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