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"You were not my boyfriend. I was under-covering..."

"You're under-covering as well when you and this star got together, right? So, were you just playing with him?" Orren asked. I looked at Louis and he's looking at us confusingly.

"You and Louis are different. You're nothing but a pig." I told him and spit on his face.

His face turned mad and shouted, "You bitch!!!!"
Then he slapped my face.

"Max!!!!" Louis shouted. Damn, this is gonna bruise.

Orren pulled his gun out and pointed it on my head. "I'm gonna kill you!!!!!"

I looked at him and smirked. I've got to take this cool. I know he wouldn't shoot me now. "Do it."

"MAX! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Louis asked in disbelief. I just looked at him and glared. Shiz, Louis, shut up for a while.

"Louis, shut it." I told him and I just rolled my eyes.

He glared at me and mouthed "Unbelievable." Then shook his head.

"Oh, no, darling. I will not shoot you." After saying that, Orren pointed the gun on Louis.

My heart is beating so hard! No! "Orren, don't you dare.." I warned him.

"Now your cold heart just melted. That's sweet." Orren was about to pull the trigger when someone shot beside him and that made him drop the gun.

"Harper!!! Thank goodness you're here!!!!" I saw Harper entering the bodega holding a gun.

"Max! Are you alright?" I nodded at her. "Good thing you're alive. But I guess it won't take that long."

What? "Huh?"

Suddenly she pointed the gun on my head, and they are laughing, Orren and Harper are laughing like a maniac. What the heck??!!

Orren went beside Louis and pointed a gun at him. I'm so confused! What's happening???

"Harper? What's happening???"

"Wait, we have another visitor." That's when goons pulled a woman to the bodega and dropped her in front of me. Her whole body is wrapped with tapes and rope. These people are heartless!

The woman faced me and my eyes widened at what I am seeing. "Miranda???? Harper what the heck are you doing???"

"Oh, baby momma is now confused." Harper mockingly said and stared at Louis.

Louis face is now indescribable. I don't know if he's happy or what.

"You're pregnant?" Louis asked.

I slowly nodded and then Harper talked again, "You still don't know? Poor Louis. Yes, your sweet little Max is pregnant with your baby, Louis. Oh, if only you could build a happy family. But sadly that it will never happen." Suddenly, she pointed the gun at my stomach and that's when Louis got hysterical.

"No!!! Don't touch her!!!!!" Louis shouted and wanted to stand up but the rope is holding him back.

"Harper, no!!!" Miranda shouted trying to sit properly but failed.

Harper faced Miranda and pouted, "What are you gonna do? Stop me?"

Gosh. I'm getting dizzy because of everything. I'm scared for Miranda, for Louis, and for the baby. We must get out of here now.

SPIES UP YOUR WORLD (Louis Tomlinson // One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now