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"Have a seat." Miranda said with a very cold tone. I am scared whenever she uses this tone. But I am all set, whatever she has to say, I will fight for Louis.

"Miranda, before you say something..."

She slammed her table, and cut me, "You know that is against the rule!"

"Yes, but..."

"You're one of my top agents, yet you managed to break the rules!" Her voice is getting louder and louder as she speaks and it's annoying that she never lets me finish!

"I love him, for Pete's sake!!!"

"You're getting deployed."

What... "What?"

"I'm sorry, but you may not continue this mission anymore, you're being transferred to Russia first thing tomorrow. You are not allowed to be in contact with the other agents involved in this mission until it is accomplished. I'll be the one to tell them about your deployment. And lastly, you are not allowed to be in close contact with the boys, especially Louis anymore. You are changing your number tomorrow. Your stuff and documents will be sent to you tomorrow at the airport. I'm sorry. That's the rule." She said with a very calm, yet authoritative voice.

"You can't do this to me." She cannot do this to me, I have never failed a mission in my life, and one rule was broken, she's already acting this way. "This is bullshit." I added.

"You are dismissed." She said and pressed the button the opens the door.

I can't believe she did this. I am so mad at her! I am so mad at myself because I feel like I didn't fight for Louis, for our relationship.

Tears are now flowing in my eyes and I stormed out of her office. Feelings are now sinking in. This is the last night I'm seeing my boys and Louis, this is the last night I'm able to spend with the only man I've ever loved.

And my girls... it's sad that I won't be able to say good bye to them. Damn. Have I made the wrong decision of entertaining Louis?

But... I don't regret anything about our relationship. He made me the happiest... he made me feel something passionate and I have never felt that with anyone before.

I walked going to the boys' mansion and when I was standing outside their gate, my mind feels like it flew away. I was left staring at their mansion, remembering the memories Louis and I made. I took a deep breath and felt that tears are about to be released again. Damn it.

I closed my eyes and took another deep breath again and went inside.

I cannot let any of them know that there is something wrong.

I decided not to say good bye to them, but just leave Louis a letter, I think it is best for him to know my real name is and who really am I.

When I got to the rooftop, the boys are busy preparing the food. Shiz. Am I about to cry again? I will miss them. So much.

"Where have you been?" Liam asked me. I just gave him a smile for an answer because I felt a lump on my throat again. If I say something, I will cry.

Good thing Liam didn't force me to answer.

"Okay, Paige, are you ready?" Niall asked me. They all look excited about this little surprise, well I am too. I was.

I nodded at Niall's question. The boys giggled and I went to Louis' room where he's preparing. Boy, this man is stupid for not noticing his surprise party. Kidding.

SPIES UP YOUR WORLD (Louis Tomlinson // One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now