Cat I'm a kitty cat

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Me: hey guys! I'm actually thinking about ending this book soon! I don't know it's fun writing this lol but the updating might take months XD sorry guys!

BEN: so you're just going to leave us here? Fuck you!

Me: you know what? Fuck you and here's your dare Benny boy! pandagirl228 dares Jeff to hide all of BEN's weed and toby has to smoke it all (holy shit I'm listening to my music and an add about stop smoking came on.....XD perfect timing!)

BEN: do it Jeff and I'll kill you!

Jeff: pffft you love me too much XD

BEN: maybe....

Jeff and toby: wtf?

Jeff: okay....well.... *grabs BEN's weed and hides it in slenderman's office* go get it now

BEN: where the hell is it?! I need my Mary Jane!

Jeff: JANE COME HERE! Okay we got your Mary Jane.

BEN: smart ass- it smells like weed! TOBYYYYYYY! *runs to the smell*

Toby: *cough and inhales the last bit of weed left* ayeeee


Slenderman: *grabs BEN and Toby throwing them out* is their any dares for me?! I never get asked to do dares barely. It's mostly the faggets over there... *points towards Jeff, toby, BEN, masky, hoodie* and my little cutie Sally!

Me: *mumbles* you won't think she's a cutie after her dare....

Slender: what?

Me: nothing..... Anyways @MegWardynski dares slender to run around the forest naked with cat ears singing "Cat, I'm a kitty cat! And I mew mew mew, and I mew mew mew!"

Slender: what kid of fans do you have?

Me: the best kind!

Slender: I'll do it. Only because I can finally sing and show my talent to every one. *gets into the forest stripping his cloths off then putting cat ears on* IM READY FOR THIS!!!

Hoodie: *goes to record it*

slender: *starts skipping like a little girl* *sings horribly* CAT, IM A KITTY CAT! AND I MEW MEW MEW! AND I MEW MEW *voice cracks* MEEEEEEEEEEEEW!!! *looks to see hoodie recording it* GOD DAMMIT HOODIE AND HIS FUCKING CAMERA RECORDER!!!

Hoodie: *runs off* agh! Halp!!!

Me: hahahha anyways we have a dare for Jeff and Jane!! It's by @DiegoValencia222 and they dare those two lil rascals to make out in a closet!!

Jane: *runs off flailing arms* aw hell nawwwwwww!

Jeff: *tackles Jane to the ground* shhh let it happen. *holds Jane close as he gets up with her. Taking her over to the closet*

Jane: Get off!! *jane kicks and hits Jeff with everything she's got*

*the closet door closes with the two in there*

Me: I wonder what's happening.

BEN: hey Toby go open the door!

Toby: *comes out of a closet with the small bit left of BEN's weed* what?


Toby: me? Little? Ha! Look at you Mr. Shorty!!

BEN: *kicks Toby to the ground and takes his weed bag* who's the short one now?!

Me: okayy you children! I'll open the door. *goes to the closet door and opens it* WHAT THE FUCK?!

*jeff and Jane back up quickly*

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