Titty bear

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Me: hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update! Just too lazy XD

BEN: not an excuse!

Me: shut it! And besides let's begin with the dares! First we have "MichaelaDatWierdo" dares everyone to play 143 minutes in heaven also for THEM to play dirty truth or dare!

MichaelaDatWierdo: let's begin!

Me: well since I know these two hate each other let's let Jane and Jeff play 143 minutes in heaven!

Jane and Jeff: NO!

Me: yes ;D

Slenderman: *grabs Jane and Jeff with his tentacle and puts them in the closet and locks it* and they both don't have their knives so we're good

Me: mwhahahahhahaha!


Jeff: go ahead I might like the way you will!

Jane: PERV! *slaps Jeff and knees his dick*

Jeff: >.< I don't think I can have kids now...

Me: umm how about BEN and Toby in Jeff's closet?


Toby: Okie dokie! *quickly goes to Jeff's closet and strips*

Me: uhhhh

BEN: no no no not today!

Me: yes yes yes today

*slenderman grabs BEN and takes him to the closet and locks the door*

Ok umm as we wait for them to be done let's let them play dirty truth or dare!

Clockwork: I'll go first! Okay

*BEN inters the room and sits beside dark rose*

Dark rose: uhh why are your eyes wider than usual? And your cloths all-

BEN- don't ask......let's just play...... *twitches*

*toby exits the closet smiling and with his shirt off*

Toby: guess he couldn't handle this dick!

Me: shh and just sit were playing a game!

Toby: okay sheesh woman pms much?

*i evilly glare at Toby*

Me: anyways clockwork please begin.

Clockwork: okay well umm BEN I dare you to tell us what happened!

BEN: well..........things.......scary things........

Clockwork: ugh fine I guess, well it's your turn!

BEN: okay uhhh, Sally truth or dare?

Sally: TRUTH!!

BEN: *smirks* I truth you to-

Me: BEN!

BEN: okay okay, is it true you, uhhhhh, suck lollipops? *laughs and winks at hoodie*

Hoodie: I ought to kill-

Sally: YES!

*BEN laughs as hoodie chases him out of the house with a kitchen knife*

Me: uhhh next dare please.....

Silent: *hands me a piece of paper*

Me: well okay alyssa3365 dares Sally and Toby to switch items then trick everyone that they're dead!

Toby: wait, that means I get a teddy bear? SWEET!

Sally: yay!

*sally gives Toby Her bear and Toby gives Sally his hatchets*

Sally: these are a bit *whimpers* too heavy...

Toby: I'll be back *he leaves the room and comes back in with glue all over him*

Masky: the hell happened?

Toby: well I had the bright idea, instead of teddy bear........*he turns around the bear* TITTY BEAR! *the bear has rubber nipples glued to its chest*


Toby: NEVAR!!!!

Me: children please stop, just act dead with fake blood!

Sally and Toby: *groan* fineeeeee

*everyones out of the mansion playing around outside. A scream by Sally is heard and everyone runs inside*

Jeff: the hell happened?

Slenderman: I don't know, but there's a lot of blood...

BEN: I'm scared..

Hoodie: *hands BEN a phone* here teleport through this.

BEN: I can't dumb ass!

Hoodie: why not?

BEN: cause it's DEAD!!

Hoodie: oh....

Jane: over here!

*everyone runs and sees Sally and Toby dead*

Masky: finally that twerps dead...

Toby: bitch nigga I kill yo ass son!

Masky: woah where did this ghetto side of you come from?

Toby: I don't know hamie but it's skerry.

Me: anyways that's all I can do for today because the chapters too long but I'll do the rest some other time guys!

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