Fucking fabulous bitches

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Me: gah finally updating this book *falls on the floor* so much work!!

Jane: eh you didn't even start working till now -.-

Me: shhh don't tell them that!! anyways so "MichaelaDatWeido" dares a really long dare that I'm too lazy to type all out XD and it's for Jeff (sorry) and also for everyone to play '7 minutes in heaven' and for her to be included!!

MichaelaDatWeido: Ehehehehehe let's begin ;D

Jeff: *is in those yellow and red cars toddlers play in and starts driving around in it but is naked and wearing awesome shades* *comes into the creepy pasta living room and is hooting then shouts*


Jane: pfffft you ain't fab.....I am.....

Jeff: pfffft *gets out and grabs charley and gets back in then goes back outside with charley*

Charley: help......me......

Me: anyways. Ummm since Jeff left I guess he won't be part o-

Jack: hell no! He's coming to play seven minutes in heaven with us!

Me: well go get him .-.

*jack goes and gets Jeff and puts some cloths on him then they both join the circle around the bottle*

Me: everyone ready?

Everyone: yeah!

Me: okay well see ya!

Slenderman: you get back here and you play too! You have to!

Me: fine!!! Move over Toby, your plate of waffles don't need their own seat....-.-

Toby: but......they're precious to me....

Me: *moves Toby's plate of waffles into the floor* ok now that I've gotten a seat I guess let's begin!

*slendermsn spins the bottle*

Toby: ha let's see who gets to fuck slenderman ;)

*the bottle lands on Toby's waffles*


Slendermsn: do I have to?

Me: yes!! Now go to the closet!!! With his waffles.....

*toby starts crying* *after seven minutes with slendermsn in the closet with the waffles, he comes out with the waffles and the waffles have hole and and ripped*


Me: Toby... Get over it....now Jeff spin...

Jeff: ok *he spins the bottle and it lands on MichaelaDatWeirdo*

MichaelaDatWeirdo: *blushes*

Jeff: well......come on and let's go...

*they go to the closet and all they can hear is the sound of moaning*

Masky: Jeff must be enjoying himself....

Toby: mmmmm *winks and rubs up on masky*

Masky: fuck off!

*seven minutes later*

Jeff: ok I did it. Now Toby I choose you to spin

MichaelaDatWeirdo: ahhhhh that was amazing

*toby spins the bottle and it lands on masky*

Masky: oh god.....

Toby: come on ;D *opens the closet door and walks in waiting for masky*

Masky: kill me now please.... *walks into the closet and the door closes*

Me: well umm......

*five minutes later theirs a scream and masky runs out pulling his pants up while running upstairs*

Masky: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Hoodie: what did you do Toby?

Toby: just stuck my dick in his ass....that's all!

Me: anyways, next dare.... "Willowdove" dares BEN to jump in a pool of fangirls, wear a pink dress, and kiss a dogs butt!

BEN: whyyyyyyy?!?!!?

Me: it's the dare ~(•.•~)

BEN: fine.... I'll do it....

*BEN is on top of a building and theirs a pool of fangirls screaming his name*

Fangirls: WE LOVE YOU




BEN: I'm going to hate this...

Me: wait! Before you jump you have to wear this pink dress....oh here's smile dog....kiss now!!!


Me: I'll make you!

BEN: sometimes I hate you -.- *puts the pink dress on and reaches down to kiss smile dogs butt* EWWWWW MY LIPS TOUCHED HIS BUTT!!!!!'

Me: >:D thanks Willowdove for the dare *pushes BEN off the building and he falls into the fangirls* well....next dare please!

Jane: *hands admin a piece of paper*

Me: ok thank you jane. Next dare is by "purplecloud911" for BEN and dark link to wear Neko maid outfits.. Black or white..

Dark link: I want black!!!

BEN: *comes in with his hair and cloths torn off* white really isn't my color buuuuuut what ever...

Me: ok go get dressed then! Wait, how did you survive that long?

BEN: I escaped because police were coming.

Me: ooooooh okay, well, go get dressed!

*BEN and dark link go get dressed and come out with black and white neko maid outfits*

Dark Rose: ha! who's the maid of the house now!?

Dark link: still you -.-

Jane: shut the fuck up and go clean XD

BEN: you can all rot in hell >:(

Me: also I'm adding they have to wear it for a week :D

BEN & dark link: NO!!!!

ME: YAAAASSSSS!!!! Golly what a long chap, but I love writing for you my lovely fans <3 also since this chapter is really long I'm doing the dares on this chapter on the next!!! must get to work 0.0

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