First dare

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Me: hello and say hello everyone!!!

Creepypasta: hello!!!

Me: anyways we have a dare!!

Jeff: for who haha I bet me.

Me: actually yes!

Jeff: oh god...

Me: hehe I like this one. Ok it's from "willowdove" daring Jeff to sleep outside for a week!!

Jeff: WHAT!! NO!!

Me: yes! *slaps Jeff on the back of the head and throws him out the window* NOW SLEEP!!

Jeff: I'm ok my head broke my fall!

*a week later*

Me: ok Jeff should be ba-

Jeff: *walks in covered in dirt, bug bites, body Oder, and mud* I hate you all...

Jane: haha poor Jeff!

BEN: haha Jeff gone wild

Jeff: shut up elf boy!!!

BEN: Amazon looking joker wanna be!!

Me: break it up!!! anyways thanks for reading and comment any truth or dare!!!!

Jane: by lovelies!!!!

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