Jeffs crush?

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Me: ok so "willowdove" want to know is Jeff has a crush AND dares BEN to flirt with Jane.

Jeff: I don't have a crush.....Well yeah I do.

Sally: who?

Jeff: my knife *troll face*

Me: ok and now the dare part.

Jane: I never signed up for this.

BEN: hehehehehe you'll like this one.

*jane is in the living room reading a book and BEN comes up behind her*

BEN: whatcha reading?

Jane: a book.

BEN: awesome so uhh did you know that you have big bo-.......A nice face.

Jane: yeah I'm just going somewhere else.

BEN: wait! Umm I really like you.

Jane: yeah. Find someone who's interested in men in dresses.

*jane leaves the room*

Me: ok so "purplecloud911" dares BEN to push Sally off her bike, get on it, take off his shirt, and sing they see me rollin. And dark Rose has to film it.

Hoodie: you push her off her bike and I'll fuck you up BEN!

BEN: yeah well! *pushes Sally off of her bike* BOOM BITCH GET OUT THE WAY *gets on the bike and rides it fast down a hill* THEY SEE ME ROLLIN, THEY HATING!!!!

Hoodie: *chases BEN down the hill* GET BACK HERE!

BEN: CANT TAME THIS!!!! *goes faster and he hits a pebble which that makes him swerve. He can't control the pink bike and he hits a tree* STILL CANT TAME THIS!

Dark Rose: I got this all on tape!!!!

Jane: let me see!

Sally: I got a boo boo

Masky: awwww baby here leg me help you *takes her upstairs and gets her a band aid* now let's go watch the video!

Me: ok so *cringes* a douche bag dares a jousting match with laughing Jack and eyeless Jack. And they have to ride miniature ponies.

Douche bag: winner gets to go to any theme park for free and they can take one person with them.

Looser has to have their underwear pulled up over their head for two days.

EJ: I shalt win for Jane!!!!

LJ: noooooo I will WIN!!!!!

*lj and EJ are in a big field and they're in miniature ponies*

LJ: my legs are too long!!

EJ: this is going to turn out bad.


*the ponies start to run and LJ's is swerving everywhere. While LJ isn't looking EJ hit him with a red pool noodle*

EJ: you got some red on your face. About time you got some COLOR BONE in your life. Haha puns ;D

LJ: I lost.....shit.....


Jane: .////.

Me: someone give laughing Jack the wedgie now!

Hoodie and masky: I'd be delighted to.

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