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Me: someone's got a dare and it's going to be perfect *i start chanting it*

Jane: for who?

Me: you and eyeless Jack

Jane: who's the she devil? ./////. *blushes hard*

Me: from "willowdove" for you and eyeless Jack to go on a date!!!!

Eyeless Jack: *clears throat and grabs jane's hand* madam, will thou go on thy date with meh?

Jane: .////. Yes......

Me: *whispers* ship....

*at a fancy restaurant*

EJ: so this lobster is good huh?

Jane: yeah!

EJ: *kisses janes lips* mmmm

Jane: ./////. Forget the lobster. *wraps arms around eyeless Jack and has a make out session*

Me: thanks willowdove ^-^ I now ship this so hard XD we'll see ya

Jeff: what a whore jane is!

Hoodie: you're only mad cause she got someone and you got no one!!!

Sally: what's a whore??

Jeff: uhh ice cream....


Masky: don't say that Sally!!!

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