Chapter 1

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"Ok so what was this meeting for again?" Jett sighed. All 13 agents were gathered in the living room of the base. 

"I'm going to say it again, there has been another spike detonated. This time, in an ancient artifacts museum in Japan," said Brimstone. Brim was really the leader of all of the protocol. He was the one who recruited agents who got hit by the radianite and taught them how to use their powers.  " I want Jett, Cypher, Phoenix, Skye, and Reyna to go see if anyone got hit," continued Brimstone," The rest of the agents are dismissed."

Killjoy walked by with Raze, who was quite annoyed that she didn't get deployed. Her mood improved when KJ promised that she could tinker with the turret that Killjoy had been developing. Jett could hear Izzie talking about how she wanted to add a rocket launcher to it, and Killjoy's expression was something of worried and happy. 

As everyone else walked off, Jett caught Skye's eye. Skye had been one of Jett's friends since the protocol. She has always helped her out with missions, training, and whatever other shit was blocking up Jett's life. Jett looked back at Brim. "When are we being deployed?"

"You lot have ten minutes before deployment. I suggest gathering extra gear."

Phoenix and Cypher went to go grab more inventions that might help, while the three girls went to Reyna's room to prepare. Jett snatched her knives, and Reyna and Skye were gathering the animal talismans that Skye used. 

"Do you truly think someone got hit by radianite?" questioned Skye. Reyna finished putting on her armband. "Well, we are about to find out are we, yeah? If there is someone, let's hope that they don't put up a fight." Skye summoned her tiger, and let it sit next to her. Reyna gave it a look. "The dog better not shit in my room." Skye laughed. "She's a tiger Reyna. And she won't." Jett scratched the behind the tiger's ears as it got up from where it sat next to the Australian to sit next to her. "I prefer the birds. They are nicer," said Reyna. Skye held out a trinket and a bird appeared on her shoulder. The hawk flew from Skye's shoulder to Reyna's, who pet its small head. 

Cypher and Phoenix walked in, startling the bird on Reyna's shoulder. Cypher had his usual supplies: cameras, tripwires, and cyber cages. His hat also deployed a little robot to find enemies, but he only used that when needed. Phoenix never brought any gear except for a gun and armor. He just used the fire gifted to him for his fights. Brimstone called the agents in. "Alright, let's get you all into the teleporter." Skye called back the animals and they vanished into wooden talismans. 

Phoenix smirked when he saw Jett's expression. Jett glared and responded, " You know I hate this part." Phoenix shrugged. "Yeah yeah I know. I think we all hate it. The waiting before it begins." Here we go again. The teleporter whirred to life, and blue light began flashing. Jett squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them again, they were in the middle of a crater. And someone was staring right at them. 

ahhhhh i promise you the chapters get longer and the story gets better.

(546 words)

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