chapter 46

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don't forget to vote! im really behind on the valorant lore, but these next few chapters will bring the story up to speed (hopefully).

Skye's father was getting impatient. Really impatient. They had already lost the robot, and the inventor too. Nova and Shriek were waiting in the lobby for the rest of his team, but he was still concerned. The Korea institute was on full lock down as well, so just getting Ari, Elle, and Iso inside might be an issue. His phone rang and he sighed before picking it up. "What is it?" 

Ari's cheery voice answered his question. "Hey boss! We're about an hour out from Korea. You told us to check in when we were close." 

The Australian raised an eyebrow. "That I did. Could you pass the phone to Elle?"

"Sure thing! Here she is."

Ari's happy tone was replaced by Elle's calm one. "We're close. Any orders yet?"

"Nothing yet. Just make sure the other two are ready to go once they get here. There might be something that comes up then."

"Will do."

He hung up the phone and set it back down. Once the rest of his team got here, it would be easier to make his next move. 


The soft curls of steam rose up from Sage's cup. She had finally gone to make herself tea, even if it was a bit late at night. She checked the clock on the wall. 12:30 am. She sighed before sitting down and taking a sip of her tea. Still a little too hot for comfort. She blew gently before she heard the soft sounds of feet walking down the hall. She turned around to find none other than Omen quietly walking to sit in the chair next to her. His hair was all messed up, as if he got out of bed just to sit with her. 

She smiled slightly at him. "Can't sleep?"

He furrowed his brows at her, giving her a look. "I was just making sure you got your tea." He turned to face her, his head resting against his hand. "It's important for you to take of yourself too, you know."

She took another sip of her tea. Finally, a comfortable temperature. She took a larger drink before responding to the ghost. Can I even call him a ghost now? 

"Did you still want your cup of tea?"

He huffed a small laugh. "I'm good, but thank you for remembering."

She smiled again, before letting out a breath. She looked at him again, studying his eyes, which seemed darker in the low light. He smirked at her. "Are you staring at me?"

Sage blinked and felt her face get warm. "Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." Where did he learn to make a face like that? Maybe talking to Yoru was influencing him a bit. Sage made to turn her head back to her tea before a cold hand gently pushed her face back. 

Omen was staring at her now. "I didn't mean it was a bad thing. I like you looking at me."

The healer could feel her face turning pink. But his hand was cold and did feel nice against her cheek. Maybe we can just stay like this for a while. 

The two did stay like that for a while, eventually leaving the room hand in hand. 


Elle had finally arrived in Korea, and she hated it. She didn't like the guards who sneered at them when they walked in, and she didn't like the simpering little man talking to her boss. She'd heard he'd had a meltdown earlier. Part of her wishes that she was there to see it. Unfortunately, she was now watching the man talk to her boss about some mission. Whatever. She slumped down on the couch next to Alec. Shriek's a funny code name anyway.  Nova and Ari were chatting, and Iso was on his phone. Typical. 

Alec groaned. "Can that man hurry up already? He's taking forever and I'm so bored."

 Iso removed one of his earbuds and rolled his eyes. "Impatient much? Just relax, I'm sure we'll get a mission soon enough."

Ari bounced away from her conversation with Nova to sit next to Elle, giving her a knowing look. The woman sighed and began braiding Ari's long hair. This time, Alec rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breath before going to sit next to Nova. The Vietnamese agent didn't even him a look, still looking at her phone. Ari laughed at that. "Not gonna even start a conversation, Linh?"

Nova looked up at her and smiled, still ignoring Alec. "He'll manage, and besides, it looks like the boss is finishing up anyways." 

Sure enough, the Korean director had finally left their boss' office, meaning that it was their turn to go in. Elle quickly finished off Ari's second French braid before smoothly getting up. Nova had already gone to the door, but Shriek teleported to open it, bowing as he did. "After you."

The Vietnamese woman let out a soft laugh before flicking his nose and walking inside. The rest of them filed in and took their seats in front of the massive oak desk. Their boss, his green eyes meeting each of theirs, had a calm energy. "Welcome all. I call this meeting of the Scions of Hourglass to order. We have much to discuss here."

Elle flicked her hand. "Do we have a mission?"

An eyebrow raised at that. "Straight to business, team leader?" 

Ari gave the boss a knowing look. "She's always straight to business."

A laugh at that. "Well then, here we are. Your mission: capture and bring the agent known as "Omen" to our base in Jakarta. We need him for the next phase of the master plan. Details regarding the mission will be delivered to your group quarters shortly. Any questions?"

All of the agents looked at Elle. She was the one who usually gave the response. She cleared her throat. "What about those new Radiants that have been popping up? And the City of Flowers?"

Skye's father waved them off. "Don't worry about that part. Your objective just remains on the Ghost. I'll send others after those other Radiants. If we can't get them to join us, then they'll be terminated."

With that, the Scions of Hourglass left the room, preparing for their newest objective. 

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