Chapter 41

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oml i'm so sorry for that behemoth of a chapter 40. The next few one will not go past 1.3k. Hopefully. Ok here we go. and yes you may give me the stink eye for my *lengthy* run away. 

The Korea institute was very clean, he'll give them that. The marble floors were pristine as he and and Ha-Joon, the leader of the institute, walked through the halls. "Where are we heading again?" he asked. The Korean man turned sharply down the hall before heading into a room. "We are the information brokers of Kingdom. You may dabble in DNA and copies, we are the ones who keep the most tabs on the rebels. Your daughter is a valuable asset because of her growing powers. We can use those powers against the rebels, and crush them for good."

He resisted the urge to sneer at the man. He already knew what his daughter could do. Instead, he kept his face neutral. "Her powers are part of Kingdom's overall plan. This was not revealed to me." Ha-Joon's brows rose. "Rumor has it that she is going to be brainwashed and then the knowledge of the rebel base would be used against them." Seemed to easy for a plan. Kingdom was riddled with secrets, yet this one seemed too flawed. Too easy. 

Ha-Joon read the look in his eyes. "You think it seems too easy as well yes? I think this is a distraction from something else. It seems to simple to just brainwash someone." Skye's father nodded his agreement. The Asian man clapped his shoulder. "As I said before, we are the information brokers of Kingdom. I will show you what I already know to see if any plans that you have made could be altered." Skye's father murmured his thanks, and followed the man out of the room and into the hall. Ha-Joon seemed like a potential ally. Perhaps worth making close ties with. When they got to the designated room, his green eyes swept over the large TV screens. 

He pointed at one. "That one is Jett," he said, pointing out the white haired agent. Ha-Joon's brows rose. "My brother's youngest child. He is dead, unfortunately, and her brother is not a Radiant. However, he is an expert marksman, and a great hand to hand combatant." Interesting. "Does Jett know of her brother, or vice versa?" asked the Australian. A snake's smile appeared on the Korean's face. "Joon-hee doesn't know about Jung-nam." Skye's father raised his brows at that name. "Joon-hee?" Again, that adder's smile. "Joon-hee is Jett's Korean name. When they wiped her mind, she forgot it. Jung-nam does know about his sister, and is keen to sway her to our cause." Skye's father nodded and continued looking at the screens. A very interesting turn of events, but in the end, Kingdom will triumph over the pathetic Valorant protocol.


Jett swore when Phoenix tripped her in the training room. His smirk was visible as he extended an arm to help her up. "You alright? You seem off." She shook her head. "I'm fine...just tired." That smirk didn't disappear. "You do know that you always say that when you are doing bad at training but need somethin' to blame it on, right?" She rolled her eyes. "Thank you pretty boy, for pointing that out." He flicked her nose. "Thank you for calling me pretty." She huffed a laugh and leaned against him as the two walked out of the training room. They went to Killjoy's lab, where the inventor was muttering over the alarmbot on her desk. "Why does this thing always malfunction when I try to upgrade it?" Jett leaned over her shoulder. "Did you try turning it off and then back on? That's what works when Cypher's cameras malfunction." 

Kj sent her a look. "While that sometimes does work, it won't work with this because it's in the middle of updating. If I turn it off, the update will start all over." Phoenix just shrugged. "I'm not gon' touch it cause I don't want to fry your circuits." Jett poked his shoulder. "As long as you don't set your hands on fire, you'll be fine." The Brit just slung his arm around her shoulder. Viper walked in, stopping when she saw Phoenix and Jett. The chemist raised a brow, her green eyes dancing with amusement. "Well Jett, is your little friend over here still blowing you kisses?" Jett smirked back at her. "Perhaps. But maybe my little friend and I will give you a little space." 

As the pair walked towards the door, Phoenix glanced at her sidelong. "First off, I am taller than you. So I don't think I qualify as little." She floated down the hall, Phoenix easily keeping up with her. "What should we do now?" asked Jett. Phoenix smirked. "Actually I wanted to go piss off Yoru for no reason because he lost a bet with me earlier." Jett linked her arms with him. "That sounds like a brilliant idea."


"This is phase two?" asked Skye's father. He was narrowing his eyes at a robot. "A machine?" The Korean inventor rolled his eyes. "This is KAY/O, built specifically for neutralizing Radiants. However, he's still a prototype and needs to be tested before being deployed. Skye's father picked at his nails. "How long until it is ready?" The inventor shrugged. "We are currently on schedule, so the maximum is another 2 weeks." The Australian pinned his green eyes on the inventor's brown ones. "What is the minimum?" A smile at that. "Tomorrow."

Skye's father returned the smile. "Impressive. Now if you'll excuse me." He turned and walked out into hall. An interesting turn of events, but nothing that couldn't help himself further. If KAY/O is ready within the next 3 days, my agenda can now be carried out. I need to contact Elle. He slipped back to his room and made a call. "Get ready your team. Phase one is underway."  A calm female voice sounded on the other side of the line. "Yes sir." He ended the call and sat down on the chair in his room. All was going according to plan. 

yes yes like i said you all may give me the stink eye for my *lengthy* run away. ill go work on the next chapter now.

(1k words)

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