Chapter 36

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Damn we already on chapter 36. I have no idea on how long this is going to go but who cares right about now? Anyway, some of you were asking about my Riot ID so we could queue. I'm currently i3 and my id is Vyper#9582! Just remember to tell me your id if you do friend me so I know who you are! Anyways, on with story.

May 18, Saturday, 8:05 am, Skye's birthday.

Raze was getting very bored waiting outside of Skye's room to scream 'Happy Birthday' at her. She poked Jett's arm. "When does she wake up?" Jett shrugged. "Usually around now." Raze sighed and pulled out a sugar stick. She was about to dump the sweets in her mouth when Sage gave her a look. Izzie pouted and closed it with a piece of tape. Reyna let out a low laugh. "Izzie honey you have to be more subtle when you eat your sweets." Sage turned a look onto the Mexican. "Reyna! I'm trying to get her away from sweets. Please don't encourage her." Reyna patted the healer's shoulder. "Understood carino." She then proceeded to walk over to Raze and slip her a piece of candy. The two duelists smirked at each other and Skye finally woke up and opened her door. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they shouted in unison, pulling the initiator into a big group hug. "You beauts, how long have you been standing out here for?" she asked. "About 10 to 15 minutes," said Astra. Skye laughed. "I'm sure Jett had to wake up early for that." The duelist rolled her eyes. "Well yeah but it's your birthday, so I got up early." Raze began tugging Skye towards the living room. "Come on, we got you presents." When they reached the living room, Brim tossed Skye a present, which she easily caught. "Mine first." Skye opened the small package and grinned at the commander. It was military dog tag similar to his, but it had her name and role on it. "Thanks Brim. It matches the other ones I already got." 

(comment what agent you want to know got Skye for her bday)

Sage helped Skye bring all of the presents back to her room. The other agents knew Skye wasn't that fond of having her own birthday party, so they dispersed, some going to training, others playing hide and seek (Raze, Killjoy, Breach, Reyna, Jett, and Phoenix), and the rest going to their labs or rooms. Sage left after she had helped Skye move the presents and Skye was just about to put the trinkets around her room when the gatecrash sounded. She rolled her eyes. "Fashionably late yeah?" Yoru scoffed. "I'm never late, but I am fashionable." She turned around and sent him a look. "Your clothes theme is demons, love. I wouldn't call that fashionable." Yoru waved a hand. "Agree to disagree. Anyways, I got you a present as well." He took a small package out of his pocket.

She smirked at him. "Is it matching hearts?" she asked. He sent the look right back at her. "Oh please sweetheart. I'm not that corny." She rolled her eyes again and opened it to find the gloves from the store. She gaped at him. "How did you know that I liked them?" He just shrugged his shoulders and gave her a smile. "You think that I don't remember you looking at them when we went to the mall?" She laughed softly. She put them on and wiggled her fingers. He rolled his eyes. "It just looks good on you, it doesn't give you magic powers." She poked his head. "Who says they don't?" He laughed softly. "Fine, it makes you look more beautiful." She chuckled softly. "You're such a shameless flirt."

He smirked at her. "But the gloves match." He was right. The design was nearly identical except the demon and wolf theme. She gave him a hug, earning a very satisfied smile from Yoru. "Thank you very much for the gloves." He hugged her back. "Love you too."


Brimstone had a splitting headache. He also hated paperwork. Unfortunately, the protocol moving required a LOT of paperwork. Thank God Sage was helping him but damn, he had never had to fill out more forms in his life. Sage walked in, carrying more paperwork. "How much do I have to fill out?!" he asked. Sage thought about that. "I hate to say it, but I think I have to print more. The printer keeps overheating though, and Killjoy is too busy to make a new one." Brim groaned. "Why can't Killjoy create a paperwork thing. It does the paperwork so I don't have to." Sage chuckled. "I don't think that's how it works Brim. You need to fill out because you're the one who's making the purchase."

Brim's brain felt like it was going to melt. "I'm doing this later." Sage gave him a look. "The real estate agent wanted these papers two days ago." He rubbed his face. "Ok fine just these and then a break." Sage sighed. "You do realize that there is another stack that is due today right?" He groaned. "I'll do them after lunch or something. You can bring it in." Sage marched outside and brought in a giant stack of papers. "This is all of it." Brim's eyes bugged out. "Oh COME ON! Get Cypher and Killjoy. They're helping as well." Sage rolled her eyes and went to go get the other two Sentinels. 

Brim had to put on glasses to read it, his eyes hurt so much. Sage has suggested contacts, but he had liked glasses better. The three Sentinels walked in. "Grab a stack of papers," he said. "Fill out what you know and what needs my signature just put it in another pile." The three of them shared a look at sat down. "Brim you do realize that most of this is stuff we don't know," said Kj. Cypher scoffed. "I know the social security number. And the bank account number." The inventor rolled her eyes. "Of course you do. You probably know all of the sensitive information." Cypher looked very smug. "That is also true." Brim raised his brows at the Moroccan agent. "Stop snooping in my files." The male Sentinel just shrugged. He held his hand and the camera flew into his hand. Brim pointed a finger at him. "How long has that been there?" The Sentinel shrugged again. "At least a year."

The commander glared at Cypher. "Anything else I should be worried about?" Cypher just rolled his eyes and held out his hand. Another little gadget. Brim sent a look towards Killjoy. "Did you make that?" The inventor pointed at Cypher. "He bribed me! He said I could have access to the cameras!" Sage wisely didn't say anything, but couldn't hide the fact that she was about to burst out laughing. Brim muttered curses. "You both are taking the trash out for a month." The two Sentinels sighed. "Yes commander."

LOL Cypher knows everything. That's hilarious oml. Anyways, the next chapter is being written as you read this. Comment what presents the agents got Skye if you interested! Anyways anyways, good luck to your Valorant matches! Until next time loves.

(1.2k words)

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