Chapter 19

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"Cmon Skye let's go to the forest!" her brother shouted at her. "Coming!" she called back. She quickly braided her caramel hair back, put on her gloves, and ran out the door to Michael. "What path should we take this time?" she asked him. He smiled at her. "Let's go make our own path. Let's see what we find!" The pair plunged off into the forest, occasionally stopping to look at flowers or shining beetles. After some time, Michael motioned for her to stop. He pointed ahead. Standing 20 feet ahead was a tasmanian tiger. "I thought they were extinct," she whispered to her brother. He nodded in agreement. The tiger was different though. It had green swirls in its skin, green glowing eyes, and yellow streaks throughout it. It looked at them and loped away. "What do you think that was? And tasmanian tigers are extinct," said Skye. Michael turned around on the path that they forged. "I don't know. But Father will be upset most likely again. We should go back." Skye smiled at him and bounded along their new path. She never forgot the tiger, and she never saw the hawks with the same features around her. 

Skye woke with a pounding headache. Her surroundings were now a white cell, the bars humming with energy. She cautiously put her hand near it. It nearly burned her. She hissed and recoiled her hand. A room was in front of the cell. Questions were racing through her head. Where was her father? Where was she? And who the hell captured her? Her first question was answered when her father walked through the door and into the small room in front of her cell. "Miss me?" he said. Skye glared at him. "No. Where am I and what are you doing here?" Her father just smiled at her. "You are in my Kingdom compound. I own a part of the company. The wires used to catch you and the bars making up your cell are some of my newest inventions." Skye gave him a cold look. "You raised us in a shack near the forest. You gave us no luxury items." Her father picked at a mark on the table in front of him. "That was before you left and Kingdom offered me a job. Now I am rich man and have no need for shacks." She nearly rolled her eyes. "Where's Alex and Michael?" Her father shrugged. "Alex is off in the military and Michael moved to Italy and became a doctor."

"Let me out." Her father gave her a look. A near twin to the one she gave Yoru. "Of course not. You are a valuable asset. We can use your DNA to make more fake agents. Speaking of that, Dr. Entica,  please administer the sedative." Smoke began pouring into the cell. Skye's head began getting heavy again. She tried to stay awake, but the sweet smoke of the drug swept her under. 

When she woke again, she found a band-aid on her shoulder. Her father was sitting in a chair outside her cell again, picking at his nails. "I would like to thank you for the blood donations. It will be helpful for your copy." As soon as he said the word "copy", a fake of her walked into the room. She looked just liked her. "Agent Skye here will be launching an attack on an undisclosed location in a week. She will be leading the rest of the agents." Skye scowled at her father. "Why are you telling me this?" Her father gave her a bored look, his green eyes full of a lack of care. The same eyes as hers. "I hope you get used to the cell. It will, after all, be your new home." Skye thought for a minute. "How long have I been here. Your dumbass drugs are messing with my mind." Her father waved a hand. "This is your second day here." Skye hid her smile. "If this is my new home, go the fuck away. You are not pleasant to look at." Her father gave her a nasty smile, and sauntered out the door. He wouldn't be smiling when her friends came for her. 

Brim was worried. Skye hadn't checked in yet. Maybe she's busy. Give her a few more hours. He walked off to Sage, who was busy in her med-bay and who was currently chatting with Reyna. Sage turned her brown eyes on him. "Brimstone! Glad to see you here." Brim gave the two a smile. Reyna tilted her head. "What is on your mind?" Brim sighed. "Skye hasn't checked in yet, and it's worrying me to no end." Reyna let out a low hiss and looked at Sage. Sage then looked at Brim. "I can assemble the team, prepare them for rescue." Brim gave her a worried look. "I don't know if she's busy, but I feel the need to prepare a team." Sage cut him a look. "Do not mistrust your instincts. I will gather the agents." Brim nodded and headed back to the planning room. Soon enough, the 14 agents were there. Jett looked better, but was leaning against Phoenix. Cypher was flipping one of his trip wires and Yoru was cleaning his nails with a dagger. The Japanese gave him a look. "We're all here. What is the mission?"

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