Swift Campus and Holiday Resort.

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I was walking behind Austin Swift who was the son of the people who owner the resort. He was kind enough to take time off to escort us to our rooms. We were on holiday, mom, dad, me and Alex.

"And I'm guessing you're the happy camper." Austin said pointing at Alex my baby brother. "I can't wait! My friends say that there's a lot of music." Alex said making you smile.

Our family loved and lived with music. We had our own studio where we taught people how to play all kinds of instruments. We often held talent shows or entertainment for charity money so that we could even teach the less fortunate.

We often supported each other but never really got together besides for work. But still we were close with the Swift family, or their parents at least.

"Room for the parents and son." Austin said pointing at the door that had a twelve on it.

"Wait what about me?" I asked and he smiled. "You have your own room." He said making me chuckle and raise a brow.

"We figured you'd want to have your own room." He said pointing at the one across the hall. "Oh okay." I nodded looking at my parents for approval. "We suggested it." My mom winked making me smile.

Austin walked me to the next room that had a thirteen on it. "And my sister's lucky number." He pointed at the number before opening the door. "I'll let you settle in." He said and I nodded thanking him.

It was a small room but big enough for two, I assume because there is a double bed. I smiled putting on my swimsuit excited to go swimming.

I walked to my parents room knocking before entering. "Alex I'm gonna swim. Want to join me?" I asked and he nodded excitedly. "Well be back at five for dinner." I said as we walked out.

I walked with Alex to the swimming pool. He was talking about one of his favorite characters on his favorite cartoon show. I was listening to him nodding and talking along as we passed the pool deciding on going to the beach. We walked qnd talked together until I saw her.

My footsteps slowed down when I saw the lifeguard. She was walking from the beach drying her hair. The water dripped down her well toned body falling onto the sand. The sand stuck to her feet seemed to fit so well.

"Y/n!" Alex tugged my wrist making me look down. "What?" I asked in a hushed voice.

"Where are we going to sit?" He asked making me frown. "Sit?" I raised a brow and he groaned.

"Our stuff dummy." He said pushing everything into my arms running off to the beach making me scoff. "You little." I went to run after him but after my second step I slammed into someone.

I fell on my but groaning. "Shit!" I held my head already feeling the pain. "I'm so sorry, you came out of nowhere." I opened my eyes seeing a hand adjust my beach hat that fell in front of my face.

My sunglasses slipped off falling into my lap. I was met with a big smile and bright blue eyes. I swallowed trying to wet my dry throat. My heart was pounding against my chest.

"You okay?" She asked and I cleared my throat trying to find my voice. "Yeah." My voice came out a bit strained making her frown.

She lifted my hat off gently moving my hair out of my face. "Well that's going to leave a bruise." She said making me sigh.

"I'm Taylor." She held her hand out for me, I giggled shaking her hand. "Y/n." I managed to sound a bit more normal unable to stop smiling.

"Taylor!" I heard in the distance.

She looked back at me holding her hand out to me. I took her hand and she pulled me to my feet. I accidentally stepped on my sunglasses making me jump not wanting to ruin my new shades.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE ONE-SHOTS [] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now